Supervisory Award

The Supervisory Award recognizes excellence in the support of next-generation academic talent since 2018 and is awarded by the Graduate Council of the TUM, the body representing the university’s doctoral candidates.

Sindre Haugland, Prof. Bernhard Wolfrum, Franziska Löhrer and Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hoffmann (from left to right) at the presentation of the 2018 Supervisory Award.

The Bund der Freunde of the Technical University of Munich e. V. funds the 5,000 Euro prize money, which must be channeled to the benefit of doctoral candidates.

The recipients of the Supervisory Award, awarded by the TUM Graduate Council, are listed below:


The information provided on each of the laureates was up to date at the time the award was received.


TUM Graduate Council

Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 17
D – 85748 Garching
