Lehrveranstaltungen TUMentrepreneurship Education

Lecture “Principles of Entrepreneurship”

The course offers an introduction to entrepreneurship. Students learn about the basics of entrepreneurial decision making, opportunity recognition, business modeling, and business planning. The course also includes a "hands-on-experience" where student teams work out an opportunity assessment plan based on innovative business ideas they develop. This course is offered in cooperation between the Chair of Entrepreneurship and UnternehmerTUM GmbH.

Audience:We welcome students of the following TUM degree course: Bachelor Engineering Sciences (MSE)
Interdisciplinarity:We are open to students of the above mentioned TUM degree course as well as Erasmus students
Language:The course is held in English
Hands-on:Student teams develop their own business ideas and prototypes and present them at the end of the course.
Human centered:The course aims to encouraging students’ entrepreneurial thinking and triggering their passion and abilities for working in an entrepreneurial team.
Connected to: Sense, Touch, Assess, Recognize
Further information:

Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Dr. Patzelt)


Lecture “Organizational Psychology”

The lecture Organizational Psychology covers basic principles of organizational behavior and its management. The topics include leadership, decision making, communication, motivation, organizational culture, normative values and ethics, conflict, negotiation, and the management of groups and teams. After completion of the course, participants will be able to understand and apply the principles of organizational behavior. In-class-exercises and business cases help to establish a connection between theoretical topics and practical business.

Audience: We welcome students of the following TUM degree courses: Diploma TUM-BWL, Master TUM-BWL, Master TUM-WIN, Consumer Affairs, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design


We welcome international students (e.g. ERASMUS) as well as students from other fields of technology and the social sciences.
Language: The lecture is held in English
Human centered: The course is designed to enhance understanding of organizational behavior and to promote intercultural exchange.
Connected to: Sense, Assess, Understand More
Further information:

Lehrstuhl für Psychologie (Prof. Kehr)


Seminar “Marketing Entrepreneurship Lab”

The Marketing Entrepreneurship Lab offers a "hands-on-experience" for the development of a marketing plan and applied (low-cost) marketing research for young companies. Based on input from academics and start-up consultants, student teams first identify the central marketing problems of a given start-up company. In the next step, they help the start-up solving these problems by applying marketing and marketing research techniques. The students document both, the identification of the marketing problem as well as the path towards solving it.


We welcome students of the following TUM degree courses:
Diploma TUM-BWL
Master TUM-WIN, TUM-BWL, Business Informatics, Business with Technology, Advanced Construction and Building Technology


We are open to students of the above mentioned TUM degree courses as well as Erasmus students


The seminar is held in German or English


The teams work on developing and implementing a marketing plan for start-up companies, who often lack the time and sometimes also the understanding of the need for marketing.

Human centered:

Even superior technologies do not sell by themselves, but require a solid marketing approach.

Connected to:

Assess, Recognize

Further information:

Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Dr. Patzelt)



Business plan seminar - basic

Within this seminar, we focus on business ideas and markets. Working in teams, the seminar participants develop their own business ideas, check the marketability by way of customer surveys and present their results clearly structured in a business plan. The goal is to recognize business opportunities and implement business ideas.


We welcome students, PhD students, and professionals


We are open to students of all faculties as well as Erasmus students


We offer German-speaking and English-speaking seminars


All our seminar modules are based on interaction with our participants via exercises, discussions, and case studies. Furthermore each team develops a prototype for their business idea.

Human centered:

We believe that a successful business model needs to include the understanding of the customers and their needs as well as the passion and abilities of the entrepreneurial team.

Connected to:

Touch, Assess, Recognize

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM GmbH (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)


Seminar Spring School

The Spring School is an intensive two-week seminar in cooperation with an industry partner as well as three different Chairs of TU Munich. The industry partner presents a new technology and the participants develop business ideas and multiple application scenarios for these new materials.


We welcome selected students to this intensive seminar


We are open to students from Advanced Material Science, Industry Design and Business Administration specialized in Chemistry


The seminar is held in English


The industry partner provides a leading edge technology of their business field and the participants develop real life business ideas and visualize them with prototypes

Human centered:

The development and especially the design of the applications focus consequently on the customer’s needs and benefits

Connected to:

Touch, Assess, Recognize

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM GmbH (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)


Seminar Summer School

The Entrepreneurial Impact International Summer School is an intensive two-week seminar, which focuses on global social and ecological problems such as the supply of energy and water, climate change or access to education. The objective is to develop innovative solutions to global problems even if their implementation requires significant investments. The initiative is established by the four university-based Entrepreneurship Centers in Munich: LMU Entrepreneurship Center, Center for Technology and Innovation Management, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, and UnternehmerTUM.


We welcome 35 selected students and PhD students


We are open to students from all over the world who are at least in their fourth semester of studies


The seminar is held in English


The participants develop real life business ideas to address social change

Human centered:

The whole seminar focuses on increasing quality of life for mankind and sustaining the environment

Connected to:

Touch, Assess, Recognize

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM GmbH (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)



Technology Entrepreneurship Lab

The Technology Entrepreneurship Lab offers a "hands-on-experience" for the development of entrepreneurial business ideas and opportunities in teams. Student teams work full-time for four consecutive days on the identification and development of a business idea based on a newly developed technology. The students document both the opportunity development process and the parallel team development process, and then present both processes. Subsequently, they work on the development of an opportunity assessment plan based on their business idea.


We welcome students of the following TUM degree courses:
Diploma TUM-BWL
Master TUM-WIN, TUM-BWL, Business Informatics, Business with Technology, Advanced Construction and Building Technology


We are open to students of the above mentioned TUM degree courses as well as Erasmus students


The seminar is held in German or English


The teams work on developing new business ideas for emerging technologies. Teams receive intensive coaching and assistance during the preparation of the opportunity assessment plan.

Human centered:

We believe that a successful business concept needs to include the understanding of the customers and their needs as well as the passion and abilities of the entrepreneurial team.

Connected to:

Assess, Recognize

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM GmbH (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)


Unternehmerisches Qualifizierungsprogramm “Manage&More”

Mit der Teilnahme an Manage&More sichern sich Studierende eine gute Startposition, um nach dem Studium erfolgreich ein Unternehmen zu gründen (Entrepreneur) oder als Unternehmer im Unternehmen (Intrapreneur) zu agieren.

Schwerpunkt von Manage&More ist die unternehmerische Qualifizierung der Teilnehmer in Projekten. In interdisziplinären Projektteams entwickeln und erproben die Studierenden innovative und vermarktungsfähige Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Besonderer Wert wird darüber hinaus auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung der Teilnehmer durch individuelle Coachinggespräche und Mentoring gelegt. Fachliche Weiterentwicklung durch themenspezifische Workshops sowie der Zugang zu einem starken Netzwerk runden das Angebot ab.


Pro Semester werden 20 besonders engagierte, unternehmerisch denkende Studierende aller Münchner Hochschulen für das 18-monatige Programm ausgewählt. Der Zeitbedarf beträgt im Durchschnitt 15 Wochenstunden. Das Programm ist für Studierende ab dem dritten Semester (gilt nicht für Zweitstudien und Aufbaustudiengänge)


Wir sind offen für Studierende aller Münchner Hochschulen aus allen Fachdisziplinen und Studienarten.


  Die Programmsprache ist deutsch.


Arbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams an realen Innovationsprojekten mit Industriepartnern, der Erprobung und Umsetzung eigener Geschäftsideen und internen Organisationsprojekten. Begleitung der Studierenden in Veränderungsprozessen und der Förderung von Entwicklungs- und Wachstumsprozessen durch individuelles Coaching. Zugang und Einblick in die Wirtschaft durch persönlichen Mentor. Fachliche und persönliche Weiterentwicklung durch themenspezifische Workshops. Zugang zu einem starken Netzwerk.

Human centered:

Starke Persönlichkeitsentwicklung vorrangig in der Erhöhung der Schlüsselkompetenzen wie bspw. der Selbstwirksamkeit, Veränderungs-bereitschaft, Risikobereitschaft, Fehlertoleranz und Teamfähigkeit sowie einem starken Ausbau des unternehmerisches Denken und Handelns.Verbesserung des Selbstmanagements und Ausbau der Führungskompetenz durch praktisches Erfahrungslernen (learning by doing) in einem realen Kontext.

Entwicklung einer hohen Beschäftigungsfähigkeit (Befähigung, mehrere Karrieremöglichkeiten zu erkennen und die Zieloption zu verwirklichen). Erhöhung der Motivation und des Selbstvertrauens für den Karriereweg als Gründer oder der Übernahme von Verantwortung in einem Unternehmen.

Ausbau der fachlichen Kompetenzen durch Erlernen eines systematischen Prozesses für den Aufbau von Startups, Spin-offs, neuen Geschäftsmodellen und der Umsetzung von innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen (Szenario-Entwicklung, Kundennutzen, Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalysen, Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Prototypenbau).

Connected to:

Touch, Assess, Recognize, Take-off

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM GmbH (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)


Executive MBA in Innovation & Business Creation

The Executive MBA has a clear focus on management, highlighting in particular innovation, entrepreneurship and the development of new business models. The part-time program offers a combination of outstanding academic management training as well as individual innovation and startup coaching for entrepreneurs, business founders and managers.

Lecturers from TUM School of Management and international partner universities will provide a sound theoretical framework of state of the art management skills. The participants will gain a detailed understanding of how to develop and establish new business, harness their ambition and drive forward innovation. Experienced business coaches will systematically support the participants in driving forward their innovation and startup projects. The students will also gain international experience by spending time at UC Berkeley and network with startups, high-tech companies and venture capitalists based in Silicon Valley.


The Executive MBA is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs, upcoming business founders, specialists and managers with several years of professional experience.


The participants come from diverse backgrounds, industries, and countries.


The language of instruction is English.


The students apply what they have learned during the courses to a project of their choice. Experts from UnternehmerTUM will be on hand to provide systematic supervision and create ideal conditions for developing business ideas, business fields and startup concepts.

Human centered:

Individual project coaching for each participant, small interdisciplinary teams, good participant to lecturer ratios, project-based work in five modules

Connected to:

Assess, Recognize, Take-off

Further information:

UnternehmerTUM (Dr. Schönenberger, Oliver Bücken)
