• 4/26/2015

A mentoring program with school pupils:

Service learning – learning from each other!

Would you like to make a change and show commitment towards social justice? If so, the mentoring program SHS2 ("Studenten helfen Schülern & Schüler helfen Schülern") offers you the opportunity to support young people who are preparing for their school-leaving exams. The focus is on Mathematics and the natural sciences.

TUM students as mentors: Help young people to obtain their school-leaving qualifications! (Photo: studio sieben, sauerbrunn und wirth, Düsseldorf)
TUM students as mentors: Help young people to obtain their school-leaving qualifications! (Photo: studio sieben, sauerbrunn und wirth, Düsseldorf)

Together, the association “Chancenwerk” and the TUM’s Carl von Linde-Akademie developed a module that combines social commitment and professional qualifications. The participants can help children and adolescents to get better education and maybe even pursue an academic career.

Preparation at the Carl von Linde-Akademie

Before starting with practical work at the schools, a mandatory two-day theory course at the Carl von Linde-Akademie provides insight on schools and their social environment. Questions of immigration and interculturality will be addressed – and there are courses focusing on communication and conflict management.

Usually, the program lasts for half a school year. 3 ECTS points (soft skills) can be granted for the participants, provided that the respective faculty agrees.

Dates and registration

The next two-day theory course will take place on Friday, June 3, and Saturday, June 4, 2015 – from 9 am to 5 pm; Munich, Augustenstraße 44. Registration-deadline: June 1, 2015. Registration: peter.brennerspam prevention@tum.de

Technical University of Munich

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