If you have received a suspension, this means that you cannot enroll for the next semester for the time being. There can be different reasons for this. On this page you will learn how a suspension can occur and how you can have it lifted.
What is a suspension?
The suspension means that enrollment for the next semester is not possible for the time being. The reason can be found in TUMonline.
The enrollment suspension is imposed when a circumstance occurs that prevents further study.
The University will impose a suspension until students submit proof that the circumstance has been removed.
Students are then required to submit proof as soon as possible so that the suspension can be lifted.
What should I do if I got a suspension?
Please inform yourself in TUMonline about the reason for your suspension and how you can remove it.
Only when correct proof has been submitted (see below) can the suspension be removed and your studies continued.

Until when can the suspension be lifted?
A suspension is imposed for the following semester and should be lifted by the beginning of the semester if possible.
The suspension can be lifted up to a maximum of five weeks after the start of lectures (enrollment deadline). After that, enrollment for the semester is no longer possible.
What can I do if I have been disenrolled because of the suspension?
If the suspension has not been lifted by the start of the semester, you will be disenrolled.
The disenrollment can be lifted upon request via email if the reason for the suspension has been removed.
Please send an e-mail to studium with the request for the disenrollment to be lifted, the document of proof (see below) and a transfer receipt for the semester fee. The disenrollment can be lifted up to a maximum of five weeks after the start of lectures (enrollment deadline).
What are the possible reasons for a suspension?
A suspension can result from a number of different reasons. These are the most common ones:
The health insurance provider has reported that you do not have or no longer have student health insurance there or that your insurance status has changed.
Please inform your health insurance provider that you have been admitted to TUM and wish to study there. As soon as the statutory health insurance company can confirm your insurance status, it will be transmitted digitally to TUM and your suspension will be lifted.
Even before first-time enrollment, a suspension might be set in TUMonline if no digital notification of the health insurance provider has yet been received by TUM. Enrollment is only possible after this notification has been sent.
All applicants therefore need to contact a German statutory health insurance provider before enrollment. Here you can find all information on mandatory health insurance.
If you change health insurance, your new health insurance provider must again confirm your insurance status to TUM.
Please contact your health insurance provider and inform them that they need to report your status digitally to TUM (TUM's number is H0001558). Once the confirmation is provided, the suspension will be lifted.
Here you can find all information on mandatory health insurance.
Your health insurance company has reported that you have not paid your health insurance fees or have not paid them in full.
Please pay the outstanding amount as soon as possible. The health insurance company will automatically notify TUM when the fees have been paid. Then the suspension will then be lifted.
Processing of digital notifications may take up to 4 weeks. Please refrain from status requests during this timeframe.
You have received additional requirements from your school. If you have passed the exams, the suspension will be lifted.
For more details and requests for deadline extensions, please contact your school's student academic advisor. You can find the contact persons in the search field in the right margin column on this page.
You have started a degree program and have committed to submit proof of a completed internship within a grace period.
The suspension may be lifted if you have completed the internship and submitted proof to your school.
For questions regarding the internship and the lifting of the suspension, please contact your school's student academic advisor or internship administrator.
You have been provisionally enrolled in a Master's degree program and still need to submit graduation documents from your Bachelor's degree. This may refer in particular to the following documents:
- Missing Bachelor’s degree certificate
- Missing Diploma (certificate conferring an academic degree)
- Missing Transcript of Records
The suspension will be lifted when you have uploaded the graduation documents in the correct form. Please check in your application account in TUMonline (see which documents are missing.
You have not yet uploaded the passport photo for your Student Card.
The suspension will be lifted as soon as you have uploaded the passport photo. To do this, log in to your TUMonline account and upload a current passport photo in the “TUMcard Passport Photograph Upload” application in the “Admissions” section.