Awards and competitions
In order to support teaching staff in developing and implementing innovative teaching formats, optimizing didactic concepts or exchanging information about the latest developments, TUM provides a variety of formats and competitions.

TUM: Agenda Lehre
TUM's program to improve teaching and study conditions as part of the Qualitätspakt Lehre.
Teaching Awards
Excellent teaching: Which teaching awards are given at TUM and how can you apply?
Ideas Competition
The “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie” promotes initiatives in the field of study and teaching.
Project Weeks
The Project Weeks provide space for teachers and students to try out new, interdisciplinary teaching formats and approaches.
Instructional Design
With this initiative, ProLehre supports teaching staff in didactically optimizing one of their courses.
TUM Teaching Endowment Fund
Novel teaching and examination projects are supported with the TUM Teaching Endowment Fund / Innovation Fund.
Tuition Substitution Funds
Tuition substitution funds are available for departmental and common tasks to improve study and teaching.
Calls for Proposals & Competitions
Here you will find current calls for proposals in which TUM teaching staff can participate with their ideas.
Steering Committee: Digitization Studies and Teaching
The Steering Committee advances the digitization of studying and teaching.