
Compliance upholds the integrity and transparency of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). As part of TUM Good Governance, the TUM Compliance Office (TUM CO) supports the Vice President Compliance in the TUM Board of Management.

The TUM CO is accountable for the TUM Codes of Conduct, which offer principles regarding fundraising activities, collaborations with partners from industry and academia and Faculty Recruitment, the Bylaw of Good Scientific Practice and Procedures in Cases of Academic Misconduct (TUM-SGwP), and the TUM Respect Guide as a commitment to a respectful university culture and acts as contact pursuant § 13 AGG (General Act on Equal Treatment).

  • All members and partners of the university can reach out to the TUM CO in case of a potential violation of the applicable regulations and standards
  • The TUM CO operates independently and neutrally according to formal procedures and examines all complaints thoroughly by verifying statements and counter-statements
  • All information issued to the TUM CO is treated with strict confidentiality in order to protect the informant and the persons affected by allegations
  • In case of a potential academic misconduct, the Ombudspersons examine the complaints and introduce formal Ombudsverfahren if applicable
  • The Ombudsperson TV-L gives advice on clarifying conflicts in reference to freedom of academia and conscience

Good compliance management is preventive

Vice President Compliance

TUM Compliance Office

Vice President Compliance

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. Ing.-habil
Angelika Görg

TUM Emerita of Excellence
Curriculum Vitae


Ombudsperson Respect

Prof. Dr.
Christian Peschel

TUM Emeritus of Excellence
Curriculum Vitae

Managing Director
Compliance Office
Ombudsperson TV-L

Ass. Jur.
Petra Marzin (RDin)

Tel. +49 89 289 28070

Ombudsperson Research

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Kristina Reiss

TUM Emerita of Excellence
Curriculum Vitae

Deputy Ombudsperson Research

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c.
Wolfgang Domcke

TUM Emeritus of Excellence
Curriculum Vitae

Consulting member
TUM Senior Excellence Faculty

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h.
Joachim Heinzl

TUM Emeritus of Excellence
Curriculum Vitae

Advisor of the Vice President

Bettina Blasini
PhD (Cambridge)

Tel. +49 89 289 28070

Advisor of the Ombudspersons Research

Dipl. Geogr.
Erika Schropp

Tel. +49 89 289 28074 
Tel. +49 162 26 50 620


Renate Steber

Tel. +49 89 289 25523
Korruptionsbekämpfungsrichtlinie (KorruR)

TUM Respect Guide

Commitment of the Technical University of Munich to a respectful university culture

TUM Codes of Conduct


Bylaw of the Technical University of Munich of Good Scientific Practice and Procedures in Cases of Academic Misconduct


TUM Compliance Office

Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich

Tel. +49 89 289 28070


German Research Ombudsman

All researchers may reach out to the DFG German Research Ombudsman alternatively