TUM University Council
The TUM University Council promotes the interests of TUM in public and acts as the university's ambassador. It offers its advice to TUM and supports it in the accomplishment of its tasks. The members of the TUM University Council have a profound understanding of the university's affairs.
Georg Freiherr von Waldenfels
Former Bavarian State Minister of Finance
Of Counsel at Clifford Chance Germany LLP
Deputy Chair
Susanne Porsche
Further Members
Regina Bichlmaier
Natascha Eckert
Head of University Relations, Siemens AG
Tobias Eschenbacher
Mayor, University City Freising
Senator E.h. Dr.
Farhad Farassat
Alfred Gaffal
Honorary president, vbw – Bavarian Industry Association
Josef Geiger
President, Bavarian Building Industry Association
Dietmar Gruchmann
Mayor, University Town Garching
Wolfgang Heubisch
Former Bavarian State Minister of Science, Research and the Arts
Former Vice President of the Bavarian State Parliament
Sabine Jarothe
Head of Ministerial Department at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Janina Kugel
Member of the Supervisory Board and Senior Advisor
Gottfried Langenstein
Former president of ARTE and chairman of the 3sat board of management
Prof. Dr.
Angelika Niebler, MEP
Member of the European Parliament
Bastian Nominacher
Co-CEO & Co-Founder, Celonis SE
Markus Pannermayr
1st Mayor of Straubing
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Mathias Pfeil
General Curator, Bavarian Office for the Conservation of Historical Monuments
S.K.H. Ludwig Prinz von Bayern
Dieter Reiter
1st Mayor of Munich
Bettina Reitz
President, University of Television and Film (HFF)
Florian Schneider
1st Mayor of Burghausen
Manfred Stefener
Prof. Dr. Dr.
Johannes Wallacher
President of the Munich School of Philosophy
Sylke Wischnevsky
Principal, Otto-von-Taube-Gymnasium in Gauting
Prof. Dr.
Mirjam Zadoff
Director of the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism
Permanent Visitor
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult.
Wolfgang A. Herrmann
President emeritus of TUM (1995–2019)
Presidential Office
Dr. Stefanie Rohrer
Tel. +49 89 289 22209
Fax +49 89 289 23399
rohrer @zv.tum.de
All contact persons in the Presidential Office
TUM Charter
Editorial enquiries
If you wish your profile to be changed or updated please contact Tanja Munk.