Munich, a metropolis of innovation

An ecosystem of cutting-edge research, global companies and high-tech start-ups puts Bavaria's capital among the strongest innovation centers in all of Europe's major cities. The Universities of Excellence TUM and LMU are strategically expanding their synergy potentials with their local partners.

Shot of the city of Munich from above with a panorama of the Alps in the background

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is among the leading international universities. Partnering with an alliance that includes Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU), non-university research institutes, global corporate groups and agile high-tech start-ups, TUM has a formative presence in the research strength of the Munich metropolitan region as well as its innovative power. The research partners include the Max Planck Society, Helmholtz Association and the Leibniz Association as well as Fraunhofer, among others.

An attractive location at today's leading edge: Top international talents together with the enriching interaction of competition and strategic collaboration create an ecosystem in Munich which is steeped in innovation.

Our ONE MUNICH strategy leverages Munich's synergy potentials

The ONE MUNICH strategy is a part of our TUM AGENDA 2030 and forges an even more effective link between the best strengths of science, business and society in the greater Munich area. Here we leverage synergies along a variety of developmental dimensions, in the ONE MUNICH Strategy Forum and in the fields Research, Education, Health and Entrepreneurship.

ONE MUNICH Strategy Forum

In the ONE MUNICH Strategy Forum we systematically expand cross-institutional collaboration between TUM and LMU – this is a part of the future concept of the two universities within the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. In close collaboration with non-university scientific institutions and networked with business enterprises, we explore new scientific interaction potentials at an early stage as the basis of future innovation fields (Emerging Field Policy).

Together and with the financial support of the Hightech Agenda Bavaria, we have initiated three ONE MUNICH projects to date:

Clusters of Excellence and research consortia

We consolidate the expertise of TUM and LMU in a variety of future-oriented fields: This includes four Clusters of Excellence, 24 Collaborative Research Centers and Transregios financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), FutureTech partnerships from the Hightech Agenda Bavaria and initiatives funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Scientist Jasmin Meinecke, who conducts research at MCQST on the development of entanglement detection schemes

Research in Clusters of Excellence

The Clusters of Excellence SyNergy, ORIGINS, e-conversion and MCQST focus on the following research topics: The origins of life; energy supplies; quantum technologies; systems neurology.

The Clusters of Excellence
Two young scientists, female and male, are aligning the laser for a quantum sensing experiment

Munich Quantum Valley (MQV)

The MQV unites quantum sciences and quantum technologies in the development of high-performance quantum computers. TUM and LMU collaborate with both research organizations and private-sector companies.

To the MQV web site
Image of the interior of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML)

Research on Machine Learning in Munich: The MCML is a partner institution of TUM and LMU and is one of six AI competence centers Germany-wide funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

To the MCML web site
Group of people at a conference table, including Prof. Günnemann, the spokesman for relAI

Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI)

Led by TUM and LMU, the Konrad Zuse School of Excellence focuses on the reliability of AI technologies. relAI is part of a network that includes over 20 industrial and international research institute partners.

More on relAI
The President of the School of Philosophy Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, the President of the University of Augsburg Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel and the Vice-President of TUM Gerhard Kramer shortly after the signing of the cooperation agreement

Center for Responsible AI Technologies

This collaborative effort with the University of Augsburg (UNIA) and the Munich School of Philosophy (HFPH) integrates philosophical and social science aspects in the development of AI technologies.

More on Responsible AI Technologies

Medicine and health care provision

Munich is one of the leading biomedicine locations in all of Europe and worldwide, thanks to a number of outstanding institutions: the two medical faculties of the Universities of Excellence, the LMU Hospital and university hospital TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar, as well as the Helmholtz Munich and three Max Planck Institutes.

Collaborative teaching

Joint curricula with LMU create valuable synergies and development opportunities in the interests of students. This includes close collaboration in teacher training as well as joint degrees in the following degree programs:

Entrepreneurship and collaborative innovation

Together with our Affiliated Institute UnternehmerTUM and business sector partners, we provide targeted support on the path to entrepreneurial innovation – a uniquely qualifying feature in the German university landscape.

Start-up team in the TUM Venture Lab Food-Agro-Biotech

TUM Venture Labs

The Innovation Centers promote researchers and students in creating spin-offs in Deep-Tech fields like Biotech, AI, Quantum and Aerospace.

To the TUM Venture Labs web site
Plans for SAP Lab Munich Campus, a new SAP research center on the Garching campus

Industry on Campus

Companies on campus such as DRÄXLMAIER, Oerlikon, SAP and Siemens facilitate direct exchange with experts from industry.

The new SAP research center
A man and a woman perform the Kanban method on a whiteboard

Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM)

Entrepreneurs are educated here. In addition we conduct research with LMU and partners in industry on technologies highly relevant to the economy.

To the CDTM web site

Munich Urban Colab

In the middle of the creative district UnternehmerTUM, start-ups, science and city administration find solutions for the difficulties of the urban lifeworld.

To the Munich Urban Colab web site

TUM Industry Engagement Program

The Industry Engagement Program offers a first contact point for companies who would like to get to know TUM and its competencies. Campus tours, workshops and newsletters provide insights into the latest developments at the university. In addition, experts provide advice when establishing contact with appropriate professorships.

TUM Industry Engagement Program

Insights into student projects, facilities and spin-offs
