NewIn: Meet our new professors

What attracts scientists to TUM? What applications do they see for their work, and how has their career progressed so far? In the "NewIn" series, we introduce professors who have been recently appointed to our university and show what they are passionate about - both in and outside of work.

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Latest episoe

Prof. Orestis Papakyriakopoulos

The way to fair digital technologies

As Professor of Societal Computing, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos studies how to make algorithms and AI models less discriminatory. In this issue of NewIn, he talks about why his work has to move fast, why he is optimistic that digital technologies will become more inclusive, and what role the TUM think tank plays in this.

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The ‘We are TUM’ podcast

From leading researchers to ‘Hidden Champions’ - we talk to the people who make our university what it is.

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Alumni stories

Read inspiring and exciting stories about the careers and individual life paths of our alumni.

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Our professors

Get to know our faculty of 666 top scientist from around the globe.

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Faculty Recruitment and Career System

How to become a professor at TUM

Learn more about our modern faculty recruitment and career system, including the TUM Faculty Tenure Track, which is unique in Germany: We offer excellent scientists the opportunity to advance from an entry-level appointment to a W3 full professorship - and also recruit established researchers with an international reputation to our university.

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Technical University of Munich
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