Faculty@TUM offers an evidence-based, custom-tailored development program for professors.
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As professor at TUM, you are not only responsible for research and teaching, but also for tasks such as selecting suitable staff members, supporting junior researchers and leading your team in an efficient manner. You are also responsible for managing resources and creating structures in order to facilitate sustainable research for real social impact. The key challenge is to meet different roles and demands, and at the same time ensure that appropriate boundaries between work and private life exist.
The Faculty@TUM Team of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning supports you in mastering your daily leadership and management challenges. We are the exclusive platform for professors at TUM for continuing education and networking, and offer customized events and resources for your diverse challenges. Our offers are made by scientists for scientists: scientifically based and practice-oriented, sustainable and effective.
You are new at TUM?
Prof. Claudia Peus, Professor of Research and Science Management and Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity at TUM, gives you specific tips for your start at TUM in the video on the right. Here you can find our events for newly appointed professors. All offers of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning and other relevant services can be found in our Faculty@TUM Guide for newly appointed professors:
Our offers

Our workshops focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors.

In a personal conversation, we will discuss which TUM resources could be most useful for you, given your current needs.

Leadership Profiles
Our personal Leadership Profiles are designed to support you in further developing teamwork.

TUM Leadership Toolbox
In our TUM Leadership Toolbox, we provide literature and practical guidelines on different leadership topics.

In our podcast series "Leadership Matters", we discuss issues related to good leadership with outstanding experts from research and practice.
Workshops & Networking for Professors: Our Events
With the Faculty@TUM workshops, we focus on topics that are tailored to the current needs and challenges of professors. We provide you with evidence-based and practice-oriented tools for your everyday work, such as techniques for personnel selection processes, feedback interviews, or dealing with stressed employees. The further development of your (self)leadership and management skills is just as important for us as connecting you with colleagues within TUM and beyond. With our events, we provide you with the opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers, and share knowledge and best practices in an exclusive setting. Our instructors are scientists and leaders from higher education.
Events for newly appointed professors
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
As a recently appointed professor at TUM, you will face various challenges, such as developing your network at TUM and beyond, hiring the best talents for your research group, and leading your team effectively. Our introductory series for newly appointed professors is designed to support you with evidence-based tools for strategy implementation, personnel selection, and academic leadership. You will have the chance to learn from Senior Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus and other professors’ experiences and discover the most relevant lessons they have learned.
Please note: you have to enroll for each session separately. However, the series is designed to support your onboarding in a systematic way; this is why we encourage you to join all four sessions.
- In session 1, you will reflect on your different roles as a leader in academia and the expectations associated with them.
- In session 2, you will get an overview of the typical steps in the process of employee selection.
- In session 3, you will learn about concrete tools and techniques to become more effective as an academic leader.
- In session 4, you will explore techniques and strategies to enhance your self-leadership skills.
Short input on theories and tools, group discussions, exchange of experiences
When & where
12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus, Senior Vice President Talent Management & Diversity, Chair of Research and Science Management
Your contact
This workshop series is designed for newly appointed professors. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
As a recently appointed professor at TUM, you will face various challenges, such as developing your network at TUM and beyond, hiring the best talents for your research group, and leading your team effectively. Our introductory series for newly appointed professors is designed to support you with evidence-based tools for strategy implementation, personnel selection, and academic leadership. You will have the chance to learn from Senior Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus and other professors’ experiences and discover the most relevant lessons they have learned.
Please note: you have to enroll for each session separately. However, the series is designed to support your onboarding in a systematic way; this is why we encourage you to join all four sessions.
- In session 1, you will reflect on your different roles as a leader in academia and the expectations associated with them.
- In session 2, you will get an overview of the typical steps in the process of employee selection.
- In session 3, you will learn about concrete tools and techniques to become more effective as an academic leader.
- In session 4, you will explore techniques and strategies to enhance your self-leadership skills.
Short input on theories and tools, group discussions, exchange of experiences
When & where
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Tanja Hentschel, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Amsterdam Business School
Your contact
This workshop series is designed for newly appointed professors. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
As a recently appointed professor at TUM, you will face various challenges, such as developing your network at TUM and beyond, hiring the best talents for your research group, and leading your team effectively. Our introductory series for newly appointed professors is designed to support you with evidence-based tools for strategy implementation, personnel selection, and academic leadership. You will have the chance to learn from Senior Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus and other professors’ experiences and discover the most relevant lessons they have learned.
Please note: you have to enroll for each session separately. However, the series is designed to support your onboarding in a systematic way; this is why we encourage you to join all four sessions.
- In session 1, you will reflect on your different roles as a leader in academia and the expectations associated with them.
- In session 2, you will get an overview of the typical steps in the process of employee selection.
- In session 3, you will learn about concrete tools and techniques to become more effective as an academic leader.
- In session 4, you will explore techniques and strategies to enhance your self-leadership skills.
Short input on theories and tools, group discussions, exchange of experiences
When & where
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Armin Pircher-Verdorfer, Associate Professor of Leadership & Management at University of Amsterdam
Your contact
This workshop series is designed for newly appointed professors. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
As a recently appointed professor at TUM, you will face various challenges, such as developing your network at TUM and beyond, hiring the best talents for your research group, and leading your team effectively. Our introductory series for newly appointed professors is designed to support you with evidence-based tools for strategy implementation, personnel selection, and academic leadership. You will have the chance to learn from Senior Vice President Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus and other professors’ experiences and discover the most relevant lessons they have learned.
Please note: you have to enroll for each session separately. However, the series is designed to support your onboarding in a systematic way; this is why we encourage you to join all four sessions.
- In session 1, you will reflect on your different roles as a leader in academia and the expectations associated with them.
- In session 2, you will get an overview of the typical steps in the process of employee selection.
- In session 3, you will learn about concrete tools and techniques to become more effective as an academic leader.
- In session 4, you will explore techniques and strategies to enhance your self-leadership skills.
Short input on theories and tools, group discussions, exchange of experiences
When & where
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Prof. Dr. Yvette Hofmann, Professor of Higher Education Research and Governance at the Institute for Leadership and Organization at the LMU
Your contact
This workshop series is designed for newly appointed professors. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
Understanding your rights and duties as a professor is crucial to navigating your academic career effectively. This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the legal status and the rights and duties of professors within their academic institution. Their unique dual role, as civil servants for life and as bearers of academic freedom, grants them a distinctive set of responsibilities and protections under university law. This workshop is crucial for newly appointed professors and those already in office, offering deep insights into their rights, duties, and the operational tasks in research and teaching.
- You will gain a thorough understanding of the specific rights and duties in the roles of teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities.
Expert input on the basics of civil servants law and university law for university professors, enough time for your questions
When & where
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructors
RAin (Syn.) Katharina Helmig, Inhouse Lawyer and Legal Counsel for Higher Education Law and Civil Servants Law at Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
RAin (Syn.) Katharina Lemke, Inhouse Lawyer and Legal Counsel for Higher Education Law, Employment Law and Civil Servants Law at Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
The German science system is complex and not always easy to navigate, especially for newly appointed professors coming from abroad. Nevertheless, understanding its structure and intricacies is crucial for academic success and effective collaboration. This talk provides a compact overview of the German science system and offers the opportunity to ask questions. We will cover, among other topics, the financing and differing missions of universities and non-university research institutions, the impact of Excellence Strategy and pacts on the Higher education and research landscape, and various options for funding research projects.
- You will understand the fundamentals of state funding and the roles of federal and state governments in the German science system.
- You will be able to identify and differentiate between the key players and institutions within the German science landscape.
- You will gain insights into various research funding institutions.
Overview presentation of the German science system, enough time for your questions.
When & where
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructor
Dr. Helene Schruff, Science Manager at Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
Your contact
This workshop is designed for newly appointed professors, but professors of all levels of experience are welcome. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” Harvey Firestone
As a professor, you take on various roles and tasks – supervising doctoral students is a central one. In this workshop, we focus on concrete challenges of the supervision process. You will learn about strategies and tools to help you build successful working relationships with doctoral students. There will also be opportunities for discussion and sharing so that you can benefit directly from the experiences and approaches of your colleagues. The aim is to facilitate the development and growth of your doctoral candidates as well as yourself as an academic leader.
- You will learn the principles of initiating structure in the supervision of doctoral candidates.
- You will work on showing individual consideration for the junior researchers you are leading.
- You will get to know concrete tools and strategies to establish a successful working relationship with your doctoral candidates.
- You access the TUM Leadership Toolbox with hands-on materials and self-assessment tools. The toolbox also provides an insightful overview of relevant TUM stakeholders and their services.
Input from the course instructors, peer coaching, group discussions, enough time for specific questions and challenges
When & where
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Online (Zoom)
The instructors
Dr. Martin P. Fladerer, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Chair of Research and Science Management
Michelle Moos, Learning & Development Expert, TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Your contact
This workshop is designed for professors of all levels of experience. You can register via our online registration form. Mark your calendar!
Zur so genannten „Dienstaufgabe“ von Professorinnen und Professoren zählt unter anderem, für „die Umsetzung des Arbeitsschutzgesetzes […] zu sorgen.“ So wird es im Rahmen des „subsidiären Verantwortungsmodells“ der TUM auch im Berufungsschreiben formuliert. Welche Pflichten damit konkret einhergehen (Stichworte „Beurteilung der Arbeitsbedingungen“, „Unterweisung“ etc.), wie Sie diese zusammen mit Ihrem Team erfüllen können und wie die TUM Sie dabei unterstützt, erfahren Sie in diesem Vortrag. Sie werden in die Lage versetzt, die für Sie relevanten Anforderungen und Unterstützungspotenziale zu identifizieren. An ausgewählten Beispielen – sehr gerne auch aus Ihrem konkreten Arbeitsalltag – wird das Vorgehen mithilfe des AGUM-Informationssystems vorgestellt. Ein Einblick in das Online-Tool zur Erstellung von Gefährdungsbeurteilungen schlägt abschließend die Brücke zu den individuell zu treffenden Arbeitsschutzmaßnahmen der eigenen Organisationseinheit.
- Sie lernen die Anforderungen kennen, die der Bereich Arbeitsschutz als Dienstaufgabe mit sich bringt.
- Sie erhalten Impulse für die Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen im eigenen Verantwortungsbereich.
- Sie können einschätzen, inwiefern Ihre Teammitglieder oder externe Expertinnen und Experten Sie bei der Erfüllung dieser Aufgabe unterstützen können.
Vortrag, genügend Zeit für Ihre Fragen
Wann & wo
12:00 Uhr – 13:00 Uhr
Online (Zoom)
Der Referent
Dr. Andreas Bauer, Stellv. Leiter Hochschulreferat 6 – Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Strahlenschutz
Ihr Kontakt
Diese VA richtet sich an sämtliche Professorinnen und Professoren der TUM. Bitte melden Sie sich mit unserem Anmeldeformular an! Tragen Sie den Termin in Ihren Kalender ein!