We supportspin-offs
Using inventions and scientific discoveries to found a company. The Technical University of Munich wants to motivate its researchers even more to do this - with "TUMentrepreneurship".

Technologies of the future
Forming the start-up idea from a discovery: TUMentrepreneurship accompanies researchers in this process, especially in the scientific fields of the future with great added value for society:
- Additive Manufacturing
- Aerospace
- Built Environment
- Food & & Agro
- Healthcare
- Mobility
- Molecular Assembly
- Quantum
- Robotics/ Artificial Intelligence
- Software/Artificial Intelligence
- Sustainability
The Entrepreneurship Steering Committee steers the entrepreneurship activities of TUM and advises the Presidential Board on strategic entrepreneurship decisions. The UnternehmerTUM, a legally independent affiliated institute of the university, is also represented on this committee. Coordinators in TUM's central entrepreneurship institutions ensure the implementation of the strategy, processes and activities.
At the heart of TUMentrepreneurship lies the spin-off process, through which more start-ups are initiated from academia and continuously supported until they successfully enter the market.
The process is divided into three parts:
- utilization of research results / technologies in spin-offs.
- Development of entrepreneurial talent from science
- Establishment of growth-oriented companies
Measures relevant to success are offered for each phase of the spin-off process. In special formats, possible applications of new technologies are identified, selected and evaluated at an early stage. In workshops and seminars, those interested in founding a company are given entrepreneurial qualifications. The start-up consultancy accompanies technology teams individually during the start-up phase. The exchange in our start-up network supports and motivates researchers in the pre-start-up phase of their company.
TUM is part of a strong regional, national and international entrepreneurship network. With TUMentrepreneurship, this network is made accessible to TUM founders. Internally, the network actors include start-up ambassadors who represent the start-up topic as ambassadors, multipliers and role models at each of the 15 faculties. Scientific advisors are available to advise start-up projects on the state of the art in technology and research and establish contacts with other experts from science and industry. Externally, experts from industry are involved as mentors for start-up teams.
The effective implementation of the proactive spin-off process of TUMentrepreneurship requires the use of modern methods and tools to support founders. These tools concern e.g. business development, business process management, team building, growth and quality management. Entrepreneurship Research develops specific methods and tools for founders in close cooperation with the start-up consultancy. The use and success of the measures, methods and tools are checked by Entrepreneurship Research via a feedback and monitoring system. All entrepreneurship research activities are bundled in the TUMentrepreneurship Research Institute (TUM ERI).