With learning workshops successfully through your studies
Are you confronted with complex learning and examination situations that cause you concern in your studies? Would you like to improve your learning behavior and bring more progress and joy into your studies?
To cope well with everyday study life, you need various learning- and self-competences. These include different skills and abilities in areas such as time- and self-management, learning techniques and strategies, exam preparation, stress management, and motivation.
You will learn how to develop and strengthen these competences in our workshops.
Our offer
ProLehre | Media und Didactics team mainly offers one to two-day courses to enhance your study skills.
The Academic Coaching of the TUM Center for Study and Teaching focuses on courses that strengthen self-competence. These courses are more extensive in terms of time, and you can also earn ECTS credits for participation in cooperation with Kontextlehre WTG.
Please take a look at the course descriptions below for details on the respective workshops (format, duration, times, contents, with/without ECTS credits, course language, etc.).
Registration is via TUMonline. Please note that the number of participants is limited. Experience has shown that the spots are in great demand, so that we keep waiting lists. It is therefore best to register in good time before the start of the semester. Technically, registration is possible until one day prior to the workshop. Due to high demand, we advise you to sign up as soon as possible.
Workshop program in the summer semester 2024
We are exposed to high performance and time pressure even during our studies. For this reason, it is essential to learn effective strategies to
reduce nervousness and tension,
- to apply good time management skills,
to know one's stress traps and
to keep to the relaxation phases.
All this will strengthen us for professional life and make it easier to start.
Within each module, there is the possibility to address the group's needs and answer questions.
Trainer: Adele Brucks (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 17.04.2024, 15:30 – 18:30
Format: Multi-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
Mindfulness is a well-researched approach that can help students to better cope with stress and strain and to master their studies with more serenity. At the heart of the non-religious practice is the ability to turn to the present moment and cultivate an attitude of curiosity, openness and acceptance of one's own experience.
This training introduces the conceptual foundations of the method. It offers space to learn different forms of practice (e.g. meditation, breath observation, body scans, mindful movement, exercises for self-reflection, and journaling). In addition, in the group, we will also work out ways of implementing mindfulness-based strategies for everyday study life. In this way, mindfulness can become an essential skill for the participants' resilience, their personal development and for successfully coping with their studies.
Trainer: Sabine Burkhardt (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 19.04.2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Format: Multi-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
In addition to organisational skills, self-management skills are also required to manage everyday study life: How can I motivate myself, set goals to achieve them, and deal with stress? In a nutshell, How do I organise my studies in a way that I will remain motivated, efficient and healthy?
Explore what promotes or inhibits your learning. Identifying and developing a customised learning culture is critical to studying successfully. Learning hacks - smart strategies - help you manage and persevere through the challenging learning demands.
Good communication skills are the foundation of success in your study because "only those who communicate can receive support." Guidance and exercises in interpersonal interactions (appreciation, genuineness, and empathy) reduce insecurities, promote self-initiative, and increase self-confidence.
The focus of the course includes:
- Design a personal vision for a study that charts the path for future development.
- Building confidence in one's ability to learn (growth mindset)
- Developing individual learning strategies and routines
- Application of learning hacks for effective learning and time management
- Creation of a customised learning plan
- Use of sketch notes as a pictorial protocol technique
- Development of communication skills
Trainer: Rike Zeus (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 23.04.2024, 09:30 – 16:00
Format: Multi-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
This online course allows you to reflect on and optimise your self-management throughout the semester. Based on eight expert lectures (video inputs of approximately 30-40 minutes), you will deal compactly with topics that are particularly important for the beneficial organisation of your everyday learning and successful exam preparation, such as planning, learning, motivation, and stress management.
Self-learning materials support you in applying the knowledge gained from the videos to your learning and working behaviour.
Once a week, you will meet face-to-face with a learning and exam coach and other students in an online meeting (1.5 hours) to share your experiences, find solutions to any obstacles, and reflect on your progress.
Please note that this requires active participation with the camera turned on and your spoken contributions. Therefore, a distraction-free environment is necessary for course participation.
The online course covers the following topics:
- How do I learn correctly? Essential facts from learning theory (Bettina Hafner)
- Planning learning - My ideal weekly plan (Bettina Hafner)
- Achieving motivation and goals (Raphael Müller-Hotop)
- Training willpower strategies (Raphael Müller-Hotop)
- Dealing with stress (Dr. Tatjana Reichhart)
- Self-care during studies (Dr. Tatjana Reichhart)
- Dealing with nervousness and exam anxiety (Ursula Kronenberger)
- The last weeks and days before exams (Bettina Hafner)
Trainers: Bettina Hafner, Ursula Kronenberger, Raphael Müller-Hotop, Tatjana Reichhart, Mirjam Uchronski, Barbara Vierthaler (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 24.04.2024, 16:00 – 17:30
Format: Multi-part online seminar with weekly one-and-a-half-hour webinars
Registration: TUMonline
In order to be able to meet the diverse demands of study and work, it is worthwhile to deal with this question mentally and physically. Our posture consciously or unconsciously determines our external effect and is a decisive factor in achieving our goals. In this context, "inner" and "outer" posture cannot be separated from each other. Our own attitude and certain thought patterns are constantly reflected in our facial expression, appearance and behaviour.
Experiencing oneself and others in different attitudes, reflecting on this and getting to the bottom of one's own thought and behaviour patterns is a first step towards a successful attitude.
- How do I behave successfully?
- How does my thinking influence my actions?
- What does empathy in roles and attitudes mean?
- How do I develop a confident attitude through scenic play?
Trainer: Stephanie Mader (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 26.04.2024, 09:00 – 13:00
Format: Multi-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
Imagine tomorrow is an important exam - you can easily get through it. Although exams always cause you stress and sleepless nights.
In this workshop, we will help you find the right exam strategy. You will learn how to prepare yourself best according to the latest scientific findings and how to relax at the crucial moment and reproduce your knowledge precisely and comprehensibly. Using modern coaching techniques, we will transform your doubts into a story of success. This coaching workshop is aimed at students who wish for more composure in exam situations and who want to complete their studies with good results.
Trainers: Bettina Hafner & Ursula Kronenberger (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 26.04.2024, 13:30 – 19:00
Format: Multi-part online seminar and two classroom meetings
Registration: TUMonline
Today, I start. For sure. Or will it be tomorrow? Do you also always make good resolutions about studying or doing homework – and then fail to keep them? Welcome to the workshop. Starting today, no more procrastination. In this workshop, you will discover why you are always late or don't get started. You will test yourself, develop your individual, successful work strategy with modern coaching tools and thus finally achieve your goals.
Trainer: Ursula Kronenberger (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 16.05.2024, 09:30 – 15:00
Format: Multi-part seminar
Registration: TUMonline
This course is aimed at all students who have yet to be used to presenting themselves and their content freely and unbiasedly in front of others. The participants should be aware of their appearance's impact and learn action strategies to congruently adjust their inner and outer attitudes. The course is meant to be an offer to try out oneself in an uncensored and accessible way with the help of exercises and elements from improvisational theatre and bodywork.
Improvisational theatre means getting in motion, being quick-witted, and surprising yourself. For this, roles are created, characters are slipped into, stories are invented, absurd things are claimed - all methods to get in touch with oneself, one's body and the person opposite. Bodywork helps to sharpen and change one's awareness of the effect.
Trainer: Veronika Molin (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 05.06.2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Format: Two-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
You know how to learn. That's part of what got you into TUM. However, studying at TUM is on a different quantum level from high school. So it’s smart to look at techniques and strategies to get the work done and not drown in stress. The first step in any project is to assess what's on hand and what you need to acquire. To improve your learning you need to figure out where you stand, then look at possibilities of improvement. In the course we will look at the following areas: • Learning style • Time management • Studying techniques When it comes to learning and studying one size does not fit all: there is no single "right way to study". To find out what works and doesn't work for you, you will get to know a lot of tools and techniques that might change the way you study.
Trainer: Stephanie Hann (Course language: English)
Provider: ProLehre Lernkompetenz
Date: 07.06.2024, 09:00 – 17:00
Format: Classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
Do you sometimes lack the motivation to study? Do you worry about what your life will be like after graduation? Is it hard for you to choose in which direction to go next?
In this workshop, you will learn how to build a clear vision for your life, which will give you new strength and motivation every day. You will be able to focus better and walk your path with more confidence and ease. You will learn how to work with your brain in the best possible way so that it can help you fulfill your wildest dreams and desires. Or even figure out what it is that you really want in the first place. You will learn how to bring more lightness and joy into your life despite dry spells and obstacles. You will suddenly see light at the end of the tunnel again. In this workshop, we bring science and creativity together. At the end, you will go home with a powerful vision board and know exactly what your next steps are.
Trainer: Theresa Lucius (Course language: English)
Provider: ProLehre Lernkompetenz
Date: 13.06.2024, 10:00 – 14:00
Format: Classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
Please note: This course is best suited for students who are about to write their final thesis or have already started it.
Writing your final thesis successfully is an important step to acquire your academic degree. For some students, it is the best chance during their studies to pursue personal ideas and interests autonomously. Nevertheless, there are some essential barriers you should consider: limited time resources, plenty of research literature and the need to communicate effectively with your supervisor are some examples for challenging demands.
The workshop “Strike! - Principles and tools to succeed in your final thesis" takes up these challenges and makes you familiar with potential steps and principles that can be helpful during this final phase. For that, we take a project management view and have a closer look at how to manage your time with a schedule, work effectively with an outcome perspective and how to deal with organizing and structuring information. International students get in touch with a German point of view to become more self-confident in the interaction with their supervisors.
Trainer: Michael Hellwig (Course language: English)
Provider: ProLehre Lernkompetenz
Date: 21.06.2024, 13:30 – 17:30 & 22.06.2024, 09:30 – 13:30
Format: Online seminar
Registration: TUMonline
In principle, there's nothing wrong with exciting challenges and variety. But sometimes you reach the point where you fear you won't be able to meet the requirements or fulfil the expectations. And even otherwise, it would be nice if things were easier to do. Fortunately, we always have the opportunity to draw on our talents, strengths and resources – if we manage to consciously perceive and activate them.
Main topics:
- Knowing your strengths - strengthening your self-worth
- Defining and discovering essential resources for success in studying and in professional life
- Accepting one's own "weaknesses" or using them constructively
- Reflecting on one's values, imprints and inner motivators
- Getting to know and expanding the seven pillars and seven keys of resilience (resistance)
- Focus on the essential - What is important, urgent and helpful for me, my task, and my goals?
- Networking
Trainer: Evelyne Mühlich (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 28.06.2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Format: Two-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline
This course invites you to discover your inner compass, reflect on it and realign it if necessary. In terms of content, we deal with personal goals, the roles we live and strive for on a daily basis and our own decision-making behavior. This way, we get to the bottom of our individual value system and find answers to these questions:
- What is valuable to me and my life?
- What values and visions guide me?
- How are my values expressed in the various roles I take on?
- In which situations do I find them particularly supportive?
- And when do they tend to inhibit my development aspirations?
In order to make these abstract topics tangible, we work with theoretical input, various coaching methods as well as partner and group work. After analyzing and reflecting on our own goals and roles, we will work together to explore ways of actively and consciously shaping them in accordance with the underlying values. This will strengthen our motivation and satisfaction in our private and professional lives. At the end of the course, our inner compass will be strengthened by an individually coherent metaphor that can act as an anchor for our own value system in everyday life.
Trainer: Quirin Schnack (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 04.07.2024, 09:00 – 15:30
Format: Multi-part seminar
Registration: TUMonline
“I lack the talent for this” is what most people say when asked to present themselves in a job interview, moderate a roundtable discussion or give a presentation. It doesn't have to be that way! You have a choice.
Dealing successfully with stressful situations is the result of good preparation and a good balance of self-confidence, skills and emotionality. Instead of relying on luck and coincidence, you will learn how to deal competently and consciously with stage fright and performance anxiety. This course offers scientific facts and proven strategies as a counterpoint to superstition and home recipes - theory is combined with practical exercises.
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Adina Mornell (Course language: German)
Provider: Academic Coaching CST & Kontextlehre WTG
Date: Start: 11.07.2024, 09:30 – 15:30
Format: Two-part classroom seminar
Registration: TUMonline