ExploreTUM – From School to University

Looking for study orientation? With our offers we would like to support young people in finding the right bachelor degree program after school.

Prospective students

Are you interested in studying for a Bachelor's degree at TUM? You would like to get first insights into the study program, the life as a student or you need help with your study decision? Here you will find our offers.

Girls and young women

Are you fascinated by the world of science and technology? Do you want to find out what exciting topics this field has in store for you? Then check out our offers exclusively for girls and young women! Please note: Those offers are only available in German.

School groups

You want to get to know the TUM better with your school group as part of the study orientation? Whether at your school or at one of our locations - we are happy to support you!

High-performing students

Do you have a special talent for science or technology? Would you like to develop your interest further alongside school? Here you will get an overview of offers for high-achieving students. Please note: Those offers are only available in German.

Current offers & news for study orientation

Attention girls: Registration for "MINT Erlebnis" possible

In the first three weeks of the summer vacation, girls and young women can once again take part in the "MINT Erlebnis" at the university. Browse through our wide range of offers and register.

Further info

Impressions of studies & campus life

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Contact ExploreTUM

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Studienberatung und -information
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

exploretumspam prevention@tum.de

Our team

General Student Advising

You want a personal counseling interview? Visit TUM’s General Student Advising!

Visit us on social media!

Instagram: @tum.student
Youtube: @exploretum