A conscious approach to one's own mental health is a cornerstone for a high-performance and successful course of studies as well as a sustainable lifestyle. It is our goal to raise awareness and knowledge of the topic of mental health among all TUM students.
Events in winter semester 2024/25:
Mental Health Awareness Days in November
From November 5 to 14, 2024, our Mental Health Awareness Days are taking place with eight different events. New: A movie double feature "Inside Out, Part 1 and 2" in cooperation with tu film, as well as our in-person event "Why your brain needs your feet for thinking", both at the Munich City Campus. For those events, registration is not required. All other events will take place online via Zoom as usual.
Our online events facilitate interaction, as it is important to us that there is room for exchange and personal questions. Of course, it is also possible to participate anonymously and passively if you just want to learn about the topic.
Newsletter: We are also happy to put you on our mailing list to inform you about upcoming events.
Our events take place either in person or online via Zoom. You will find the registration formalities and the link for registration in the respective event description.
Please note: Registration via BayernCollab/Confluence is only possible for TUM students with the TUM Login ID (ab12cde) and works best via the Confluence app or the desktop version. Your registration data is only used for registration and to send you the Zoom link and an evaluation form. You may participate in the Zoom meeting under a different name or anonymously.
TUM4Mind Mental Health Awareness Days from November 5 to 14
Date: Tuesday, 05.11.2024
Time: 7 p.m. (part 1) and 9.15 p.m. (part 2)
Language of presentation: English
Place: Carl von Linde Hörsaal, Arcisstraße 21, 1st floor
This event is organized together with tu film and takes place at the Munich City Campus.
Admission is free, snacks and drinks will be sold.
The two animated films deal with personality development from the age of eleven through adolescence in an entertaining yet profound way. Viewers are encouraged to take an in-depth look at various aspects of emotional development and their own feelings as part of their personality. A special focus is placed on early childhood memories and their significance for further development. In addition, the films shed light on how people deal with their own value development as they grow up. This raises many questions: How do emotional experiences shape our personalities? What role do memories play in identity formation? How do young people find and develop their values? The films offer valuable insights and encourage us to reflect on our own development.
Date: Wednesday, 06.11.2024
Time: 6.00 – 7.30 p.m.
Language of presentation: German
Place: Online via Zoom
Link for registration
In this event, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adulthood will be discussed in detail. It will explain how to recognize the symptoms of possible ADHD and how the diagnosis process works. In addition, various treatment options, including medication and non-medication approaches, are presented. Self-help strategies will also be discussed. At the end of the presentation, there will be an open Q&A session where participants can ask their personal questions.
Dr. Andrea Boreatti has been working as a specialist in psychiatry in Lohr am Main since 2017. She completed her further training at the Psychiatric University Hospital in Würzburg. Her specialty is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Date: Thursday, 07.11.2024
Time: 6 – 7.30 p.m.
Language of presentation: English
Place: Online via Zoom
Link for registration
Our planet has limited resources, and so does our mind. Mental energy is constantly drained by 'energy monsters' in our daily lives: for example, by high expectations or time pressure, in addition to political uncertainty or the climate crisis. Consequences may include high stress, exhaustion, apathy, or sleeping problems. Utilizing psychological resources in a sustainable way is an important skill for maintaining well-being. Therefore, generating energy from 'renewable fuels' and avoiding one-sided strategies, like numbing through sports or addiction, is crucial. In this event, we will identify psychological resources and generate ideas for managing them sustainably.
Marie Bartholomäus is a psychological psychotherapist for cognitive-behavioral therapy and works as the leading psychologist in the KIRINUS day clinic Munich Nymphenburg. She mainly treats patients with burnout, depression, fears and borderline personality disorders. Other areas of interest include autism spectrum disorders and psychosomatic complaints.
Date: Friday, 08.11.2024
Time: 9.00 – 10.30 a.m.
Language of presentation: German
Place: Online via Zoom
Link for registration
Where is your compass pointing? Which goals do you pursue for your studies this semester? What is the best way to get there? Are the different areas of your life in balance or do you need to adjust them? What are your individual strengths and how do you use them to get closer to your goals on a daily basis?
In this event, we invite you to reflect on these questions and to work on your vision. Set clear goals and define specific steps to achieve them. Short theoretical inputs and discussions with each other can be used for inspiration. Set your compass for the current semester and start with new motivation to successfully reach your goals.
Thomas Boderke is head of the Catholic University Community at TUM (KHG TUM). As a pastor, he has been accompanying and supporting people in various life situations for many years. The development of personality and human maturity as well as spiritual development are particularly important to him.
Dr. Thomas Schindler is a university chaplain and theological advisor at the Catholic University Community at TUM (KHG TUM). His focus is on interdisciplinary cooperation between theology, technology and science as well as on supporting students in their academic qualification phase.
Date: Monday, 11.11.2024
Time: 1.15 – 2.45 p.m.
Language of presentation: German
Place: Immatrikulationshalle, Arcisstraße 21
This is a live event at the Munich downtown campus.
Registration is not required, just drop by!
In this workshop, the speaker will talk about the effect of a lack of physical exercise and movement on the brain. He will provide answers to the following questions: Why does exercise improve concentration? How often should you take exercise breaks during your study time? How can you make sure you find time for exercise in a busy schedule?
In addition to the theoretical input, you will test many practical exercises and get useful tips that you can put into practice immediately. All of the exercises can be easily integrated into your daily student life and are fun to do.
Jürgen Maaßmann is a sports scientist and a former German basketball player. Today he works as a sports teacher, lecturer, sports therapist and coach.
Date: Tuesday, 12.11.2024
Time: 6 – 7.30 p.m.
Language of presentation: German
Place: Online via Zoom
Link for registration
The event deals with the sometimes very strong feelings that the climate crisis can trigger in all of us: from fear and concern about the future on this earth, to anger at the inaction of important people, to our own feelings of guilt or powerlessness.
Why are these feelings important and how can we deal with them? How can we also grow from these feelings and strengthen our resilience? What can give us courage and perhaps even hope? We will jointly explore these and similar questions during the lecture.
Birgit Zech is a child and adolescent psychotherapist in private practice. She has been a member of the Psychologists/Psychotherapists for Future e.V. association since the end of 2019 as a board member, but also in the press working group and above all in accompanying, advising and supporting people who are committed to overcoming the climate crisis.
Date: Wednesday, 13.11.2024
Time: 6 – 7.30 p.m.
Language of presentation: English
Place: Online via Zoom
Link for registration
Intuition gives us access to knowledge that cannot be achieved through a discursive approach. Intuitive perception proceeds without methodical or even conscious reasoning and arises immediately. It is infallible and capable of grasping the "truth" in a holistic way.
History is full of people who exhibited this kind of perception. Their inspirations and ideas have shaped world history at all levels of society.
How we can enhance our intuitive faculties, by learning to direct our thinking ability inward through mindfulness and meditation exercises will be highlighted in the event using specific practical exercises.
Prof. Dr. Andreas de Bruin is the founder and director of the Munich model “Mind- fulness and Meditation in a University Context” – one of the first programs in Europe to offer courses in mindfulness and meditation and to implement them in the university curriculum. Besides regular classes, he also organizes additional courses for students, alumni, faculty and university staff. In order to share his experiences, de Bruin works closely with other universities in Germany and abroad.