TUM Center for Study and Teaching: Contact Persons

On this page you will find information about the contact persons from the following units of the TUM Center for Study and Teaching:

Head of TUM CST

Head Dr. Kathrin Dressel leitungspam prevention@cst.tum.de
Head Ass. jur. Gabriele Kunnes leitungspam prevention@cst.tum.de

Officer of the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Dr. Cornelia Gotterbarm +49 89 289 22819 gotterbarmspam prevention@zv.tum.de

Student Advising and Information


[Translate to English:]
Head & Team Leader Student Advising Andrea Kick +49 89 289 22664 kickspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Team assistance Amie McCracken +49 89 289 22610 amie.mccrackenspam prevention@tum.de
Deputy Head & Team Leader ExploreTUM Christine Hager +49 89 289 22276 hagerspam prevention@zv.tum.de

ExploreTUM – From School to University

Deputy Head & Team Leader ExploreTUM Christine Hager +49 89 289 22276 hagerspam prevention@zv.tum.de
[Translate to English:]
ExploreTUM Dr. Susanne Bley +49 89 289 22693 susanne.bleyspam prevention@tum.de
ExploreTUM Michaela Pildner +49 89 289 22686 michaela.pildnerspam prevention@tum.de (on parental leave)
ExploreTUM Claudia Sohnius +49 89 289 22694 claudia.sohniusspam prevention@tum.de
ExploreTUM / Student Advising Francesca Flor +49 89 289 22696 francesca.florspam prevention@tum.de
ExploreTUM Regina Schiebel +49 89 289 22933 schiebelspam prevention@zv.tum.de

Student Information

Team Leader Student Information Daniel Koll +49 89 289 22245 studiumspam prevention@tum.de
Student Information Wei Lin +49 89 289 22245 studiumspam prevention@tum.de
[Translate to English:]
Student Information Pavla Özdemir +49 89 289 22245 studiumspam prevention@tum.de
Student Information Sichen Ou +49 89 289 22245 studiumspam prevention@tum.de
Student Information Denise Pasqualini +49 89 289 22972 pasqualinispam prevention@zv.tum.de

Student Advising

[Translate to English:]
Head & Team Leader Student Advising Andrea Kick +49 89 289 22664 kickspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Student Advising Julia Arnholdt +49 89 289 22789 arnholdtspam prevention@zv.tum.de (on parental leave)
Student Advising Jana Sophie Holecek +49 89 289 22028 holecekspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs Alain M. G. Kathola +49 89 289 22682 katholaspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Student Advising Tim Luckenbach +49 89 289 22641 luckenbachspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs Verena Weltz-Huber +49 89 289 22151 weltz-huberspam prevention@zv.tum.de
ExploreTUM / Student Advising Francesca Flor +49 89 289 22696 francesca.florspam prevention@tum.de
Student Advising Katrin Herbert +49 89 289 22660 herbertspam prevention@zv.tum.de
[Translate to English:]
Student Advising Sönke Klages +49 89 289 22407 soenke.klagesspam prevention@tum.de
[Translate to English:]
Student Advising Nicola Theuring-Gedik +49 89 289 22661 theuringspam prevention@zv.tum.de

Student Coaching

Team Leader Student Coaching Dr. Mirjam Uchronski +49 89 289 22681 uchronskispam prevention@zv.tum.de
Coaching for Students Kirsten Bannert +49 89 289 22060 bannertspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Coaching for Students Miriam Roßmanith +49 89 289 22619 rossmanithspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Coaching for Students Marein Orre +49 89 289 22392 orrespam prevention@zv.tum.de
Coaching for Students Barbara Vierthaler +49 89 289 22658 vierthalerspam prevention@zv.tum.de

TUM CST – Quality Management

Head Simone Gruber, M.A. +49 89 289 25237 gruberspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Deputy Head Kathrin Bach, M.A. +49 89 289 25412 bachspam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development
Dipl.-Soz. Manuela Avallone +49 89 289 25476 avallonespam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development, evaluation and extended QM circle, tuition substitution funds
Nina Grote, M.A. +49 89 289 22818 grotespam prevention@zv.tum.de Project Weeks
Dr. Sandra Hirsch +49 89 289 25474 hirschspam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development
Selina Orsi-Coutts, M.A. +49 89 289 25304 selina.orsi-couttsspam prevention@tum.de Plug-in modules, EuroTech, SDG Campus
Julia Pötzl, M.A. +49 89 289 22912 julia.poetzlspam prevention@tum.de New teaching formats
Dipl.-Soz. David Schneider +49 89 289 25416 schneiderdspam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development, evaluation, administration EvaSys for CIT, MGT, LS, TUMCS
Dr. André Utrap +49 89 289 25469 utrapspam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development
Marie-Isabel Zirpel, M.A. +49 289 25795 zirpelspam prevention@zv.tum.de Degree program development

TUM CST – Planning

Head Dr. Kathrin Dressel leitungspam prevention@cst.tum.de
Styliani Deligianni +49 89 289 22069 liana.deligiannispam prevention@tum.de
Dr. Thomas Laßleben +49 89 289 22264 lasslebenspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Alena Petersen, M.A. +49 89 289 25544 alena.petersenspam prevention@tum.de
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Math. (Univ.) Friederike Ressel-Burmeister +49 89 289 22668 friederike.resselspam prevention@tum.de
Dr. Christina Riedl +49 289 22349 christina.riedlspam prevention@tum.de

TUM CST – Legal Affairs

Note for students

Please note: Study and Teaching – Legal Affairs at the TUM Center for Study and Teaching is not a contact point for students and applicants and therefore does not offer legal advice or information for students and applicants.

If you would like to appeal against a notification of examination results or a rejection letter from TUM, please refer to the information on legal remedies enclosed with the respective notification. If you have already filed an appeal, the responsible administrator will contact you in writing without being asked as soon as the factual and legal situation has been examined.

Study and Teaching – Legal Affairs is exclusively responsible for processing appeals. Therefore, please do not send any inquiries to the staff of Study and Teaching – Quality Management.

For general inquiries regarding application, admission or administrative procedures in studies, please contact the Student Information of the TUM Center for Study and Teaching at studiumspam prevention@tum.de or +49 89 289 22245.


Head Tobias Helmke
Deputy Head Annette Eiberle

Team Assistants

Elke Anderl +49 89 289 25215 (Fax)
Sabine Preiß +49 89 289 25215 (Fax)

Team Statutes and Regulations

Annette Eiberle Review of the statutes in connection with the establishment, cancellation, modification of degree programs, legal issues
Simone Hey Review of the statutes in connection with the establishment, cancellation, modification of degree programs, legal issues
Theresa Reif Review of the statutes in connection with the establishment, cancellation, modification of degree programs, legal issues
Petra Zangl Review of the statutes in connection with the establishment, cancellation, modification of degree programs, legal issues

Team Remedies

Theresa Reif Processing of appeals and lawsuits, legal issues, representation in court
Dominik Hirler Processing of appeals and lawsuits, legal issues
Johanna Menzel Processing of appeals and lawsuits, legal issues, representation in court

Team Contracts and Doctorates

Katja Frick Contract review, legal issues, especially regarding doctorate and habilitation
Hannah Fehr Contract review, legal issues, especially regarding doctorate and habilitation
Catarina Silva Ruther Contract review, legal issues, especially regarding doctorate and habilitation

TUM CST – Communications

Head | Deputy Press Spokesperson Stefan Kögler, M.A. +49 89 289 22808 stefan.koeglerspam prevention@tum.de
Deputy Head Dr. Konstantin Götschel +49 89 289 28029 goetschelspam prevention@zv.tum.de
[Translate to English:]
Video Editor & Director Jessica Bruder +49 89 289 25798 bruderspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Community & Student Engagement Manager Anne Hüttenrauch, M.A. +49 89 289 22817 anne.huettenrauchspam prevention@tum.de
Media Design Jan Matthies, B.A. +49 89 289 28028 jan.matthiesspam prevention@tum.de
Project Manager Digital Transformation Viola Muraro +49 89 289 22809 viola.murarospam prevention@tum.de
[Translate to English:]
Internationalization Language Services Staci von Boeckmann, Ph.D. +49 89 289 22382 boeckmannspam prevention@zv.tum.de
Project Manager Curricular Intelligence Katinka Welz, M.Litt. katinka.welzspam prevention@tum.de

TUM: Junge Akademie

Managing Director Dipl.-Ing. agr. (Univ.) Peter Finger +49 89 289 22064 fingerspam prevention@tum.de
Public Relations & Marketing Constanze Kukula, M.A. +49 89 289 22993 constanze.kukulaspam prevention@tum.de
Administration Dennis Lehmann +49 89 289 22551 dennis.lehmannspam prevention@tum.de