• 7/19/2021

Ideas competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie” 2021 starts

Looking for digital and project-based teaching formats

Mental health, online labs and a virtual forest: the field of contributions that have already been implemented through the ideas competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie” (study-related reinforcement of the excellence strategy) is wide. Now the next round starts, seeking concepts for digital and project-based forms of teaching, learning and examining.

Three female participants have an animated conversation at the TUM4Mind Action Day 2018. TUM: Junge Akademie / Arvid Uhlig
Participants of an action day of the TUM4Mind initiative, a project whose transfer to digital was funded in previous years. Currently, new creative ideas around studying and teaching are being sought again.

With the ideas competition “Studienbezogene Verstärkung der Exzellenzstrategie”, TUM promotes initiatives in the area of study and teaching that aim to advance the use of digital forms of teaching, learning, and examining at TUM and to develop innovative transdisciplinary teaching formats.

Two funding lines: digital teaching formats and project weeks

This year, the focus is on two topics. In the first funding line, teaching staff can submit ideas for digital teaching, learning and examination methods: How can the competence development of students and teachers in the field of digital teaching be promoted? How can digital teaching strengthen international cooperation? What do student support and advising look like in the digital space?

n the second funding line, new forms of interdisciplinary, project-based teaching and learning are to be developed. The objective: How can project weeks promote the acquisition of competencies and strengthen cross-disciplinary collaboration? How can students learn different “21st Century Skills” such as competent handling of information and data, communication and collaboration skills or analytical and critical thinking? How can technical issues be linked even more closely to ethical issues?

If you have ideas on these or completely different questions from the two funding areas, you can submit your application for the ideas competition by September 10, 2021. Departments or schools, professorships, central service institutions and student representatives are eligible to apply. All information on the call for proposals can be found at www.tum.de/en/studies/teaching/awards-and-competitions/ideas-competition/.

Award winning ideas

In the past two rounds of the competition, more than 50 project proposals have already received awards and funding. With the TUM4Mind initiative, for example, the TUM Center for Study and Teaching has developed interactive digital support services for TUM students so that they can also exchange ideas with experts, stakeholders and peers in virtual space; the iLAB enables students at the Department of Sport and Health Sciences to conduct interactive experiments in a virtual laboratory; and at the School of Life Sciences, virtual twins of real forest plots have been created that can be analyzed digitally and studied with the help of augmented reality.

As diverse as the people who work and study at our university are the ideas for entirely new approaches to teaching, learning and examining. Present yours!

Technical University of Munich

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