• 5/3/2011

TUM Career Week:

5 Days of "Time for Career"

National and international job applications, doctorate work at TUM, the route to self-employment – numerous career tracks are open; the question is how to find the right one. The TUM Career Week can help.

Lettering "Success" and wooden ladder
TUM Career Week - 5 Days of "time for career" (Photo: S. Hofschlaeger/pixelio.de)

From June 6-10, 2011, the TUM Career Service offers a 5-day long, wide spectrum of events, workshops, and lectures. These are open to all students, graduates, and doctoral candidates free of charge.

Get personal advice! Make use of the opportunity to get to know exciting companies and meet potential future employers on campus. The application deadline for workshops and interviews with companies is May 27, 2011.

More information available at www.tum.de/career -> TUM Career Week

The TUM Career Service offers student counseling in German and English at each of the three TUM sites during the school semester and break. The Calendar „Zeit für Karriere“ provides additional information on events.

Technical University of Munich

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