22 Jul 2024
30 Jul 2024

Autogenic training, breathing techniques

Workshop: Staying relaxed during the exam phase

  • Monday, 7/22/2024 - Tuesday, 7/30/2024

Event location

Target audience

Get out of your head and into your body! From 7/22/24, we will be supporting you with various relaxation workshops. 

  • Monday, 7/22/24, 9 pm - 10 pm
    Stay calm with autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation (DE)
  • Thursday, 7/25/24, 9 pm - 10 pm
    Stretching exercises and breathing techniques for relaxation and concentration (EN)
  • Tuesday, 7/30/24, 9 pm - 10 pm
    Lightning relaxation techniques (EN)

Register now

The workshops take place online via Zoom and are free of charge for TUM students!

Further information