Get involved!

You want to report about your studies? You want to share your experiences and help other prospective students? Then take advantage of the opportunity to get involved in the VisiTUM project!

[Translate to English:] Matt Stark photography / TUM

And this is how it works:

If you would like to get involved in the VisiTUM project, please apply using the following form.

Good to know:
To ensure that you are optimally prepared for your commitment, there is a mandatory introductory workshop (duration max. 3 hours). We offer this workshop for both options at regular intervals. And because we value your commitment, we reward active participation with a confirmation of attendance.

visiTUM: Students explain their studies

Content: Short presentations about your study experiences
Location: at all TUM locations, at schools or online
Time: appointments are arranged individually
Language: German or English, depending on event

Questions? Contact us

VisiTUM and TUM: Junge Akademie

VisiTUM originated as an initiative of the TUM: Junge Akademie.

For more information go to TUM: Junge Akademie!