• 6/10/2013

Step Inside:

Become a mentor for prospective students

"Would you like to show social commitment? Pass on your university experience!" This the basic idea of Step Inside, the mentoring program , in which TUM students become mentors for prospective students and give insight on studying at TUM.<br /><br />

Female student with pupil
TUM Students involved in the Step Inside program – acting as mentors for advanced level school pupils. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

The students (mentors) and advanced level pupils (mentees) have approx. 6 months to get to know each other and to discuss individual questions and views with each other – during personal meetings on campus, in a café, at university events or by e-mail and chat. Both sides will benefit:

  • The mentor will be able to expand his/her valuable social and personal skills. The informal exchange with the mentee strengthens communication skills and ability to empathize. At the same time,  he/she can reflect  his/her own experiences and expand  his/her personal horizon.
  • The mentee will get assistance for his study orientation, insight of the desired course of studies from the perspective of a student, and an opportunity to socialize.

A workshop with a communication coach

To prepare for the mentoring situation, there  will be a special instruction course for the mentors and a one-day workshop organized by a communication coach. Regular meetings provide the opportunity to exchange ideas beyond the tandem. The events of TUM Mentoring – to which all participants of Step Inside are invited – provide further networking-opportunities beyond the Step Inside program.

Apply online until October 1, 2013

68 tandems took part in the first two rounds. The next round starts in November 2013. Application deadline is October 1, 2013.

Johanna Hofmann / Anna Rothbucher
ExploreTUM Schnittstelle Schule-Hochschule
Studenten Service Zentrum
Phone (089) 289-22693 / 22694
E-mail: exploretumspam prevention@tum.de

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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