• 4/14/2014

U6 service disruption starting from May 12, 2014:

Partial closure between "Studentenstadt" and "Fröttmaning"

According to the MVV, the underground line U6 will be out of service between “Studentenstadt” and “Fröttmaning“ during the summer semester of 2014. There will be replacement buses for the U6 during the construction period.

People waiting for an incoming metro-train
New partial closure: replacement buses for the U6 during the construction period, starting from May 2014. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

One of the lines connects “Studentenstadt“, “Freimann“ and “Kieferngarten“, following the subway route. An express-bus connects “Alte Heide“ and “Fröttmaning“. This concept worked out well in 2013.

TUM in convinced that the MVG will managed to organize the replacement buses just as trouble-free as last year.

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Technical University of Munich

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