Intelligent study area management:
A faster way to find available spaces
A few years ago, the student representatives came up with the idea that it would be convenient to be able to find free study spaces using a smart phone. Thus, the AStA and the TUM’s IT Service started to equip study areas with tablet PCs to monitor the current availability.
How does the study area management work?
If you occupy a space, a simple keystroke serves to update the information on, helping others to find a free space and to avoid disturbances for those who are busy learning.
The webpage provides a constantly updated overview of the available spaces in the areas that are equipped with the system. Currently, the system only covers study areas in Garching and Garching-Hochbrück – but there are plans to extend the service for the benefit of the students at all of the TUM-sites.
Please report further study areas!
Please report further study areas that, in your opinion, should be equipped with the management system: lernraum.
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