• 4/18/2013

Now Online:

The new Training Program of the University Library

Would you like to be able to learn whenever it suits you? TUM University Library now offers its new training program as eCourses.

Logo e-Learning
Learning whenever it suits you with the new training program as eCourses the TUM University Library now offers. (graphic: Faysal Farhan/Fotolia.de)

Discover tips and tricks for your literature research and learn how to use reference management software from home – with eTutorials, information tidbits and exercise sheets. No matter if you are a fresher or in the midst of your final thesis: You can assemble the topics that are of your interest.

Do an online-test to check if you are a professional researcher already. If you manage to complete a course and answer some test questions, you can even get a certificate of attendance.

For more course materials and other information about the eLearning program of the TUM's University Library please refer to http://www.ub.tum.de/elearning-1

Technical University of Munich

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