• 6/26/2013

TUM academics publish top-quality work

Top Position in the Nature Publishing Index

Further evidence of TUM’s outstanding research capabilities: the Nature Publishing Index issued today ranks the Technische Universität München (TUM) as one of four German universities and the only technical university in Germany in its top 100. The rankings are produced based on the number of publications that appear in one of Nature’s specialist journals.

The Nature Publishing Group’s journals are regarded as ranking among the most prestigious specialist publications. Academics publish groundbreaking results in them, particularly in the natural sciences. In contrast, few engineering topics are covered.

“The excellent position achieved indicates that as a technical university we are not just outstandingly well positioned in engineering, but also in the natural sciences and medicine and our academics enjoy great international acclaim,” remarked Wolfgang A. Herrmann, TUM President.

Many of the TUM articles published in Nature were produced by physicists and scientists from the two excellence clusters, the “Center for Integrated Protein Science” and the “Origin and Structure of the Universe”.

Further information:
Nature Publishing Index: http://www.natureasia.com/en/publishing-index/global/
The TUM in rankings: http://www.tum.de/die-tum/die-universitaet/rankings/

Technical University of Munich

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