• 7/18/2014

Munich School of Political Science:

TUM to become supporting university of the "Hochschule für Politik"

TUM is growing: The Bavarian Landtag decided to transform the long-standing Munich School of Political Science (Hochschule für Politik/HfP) into a public corporation of the TUM, based on a cross-party consensus between the CSU, SPD, the green party and the "Freie Wähler".

Staircase of the HfP München
The way to the top: the HfP München will be transformed into a TUM-corporation. (Photo: HfP)

The legal, organizational and material preconditions will come into effect on December 1, 2014. Motivated by the process of opening up the TUM for human and social sciences within the framework of the "Excellenzinitiative“ of 2012, the HfP will be transformed into the "Bavarian School of Public Policy", focusing on the interactions between politics, society, economy and technology.

There will be five new professorships and other new positions in order to establish efficient connections to the existing teaching and research activities at TUM. The interdisciplinary MUNICH CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY (MCTS) will play an overarching role – under the management of Science Sociologist Prof. Sabine Maassen, who was appointed from Basel.

Engineers as key players

With its internationally renowned strengths in the field of modern engineering, TUM offers a perfect environment to address issues of technical progress in connection with the public opinion.

"Regarding the digital revolution, which has begun to impose significant changes on all economic spheres and aspects of life, engineers are becoming key players in societal and political discourses," is how TUM President Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann commented on the decision of the parliamentary groups.

More information:
The Munich School of Political Science (Hochschule für Politik München)

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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