• 12/4/2014


Technology to help organize your studies

You are most probably familiar with <link https://campus.tum.de/tumonline/webnav.ini>TUMonline</link> from applying or from registering for courses and exams. The <link https://www.moodle.tum.de/?lang=en>e-learning platform Moodle</link> is often used to view materials or to do "homework" – and most of you will probably have <link https://www.lrz.de/services/netz/mobil/eduroam_en/>eduroam</link>, the TUM's secure on-campus Wi-Fi network, installed on your smart phones.

More capacity than a flashdrive: 40GB of personal storage space for every TUM-student (Photo: Shutterstock)

Are there any other offers, apart from that? Yes! We have several other IT services and offers that will help you to organize your studies: There are 40GB of personal storage space available for every student – accessible using your browser or as a network drive on your device.

Did you ever ask yourself why some of your fellow students have MatLab installed on their computers? To help you organize your studies, TUM offers MatLab and many other software products for students free of charge.

In order to download software or to log in to the IT-systems, you will need your TUM-mail address or your TUM identifier, which you will find in TUMonline. You can save your TUM-mail address on your smart phone or use it with a mail-client such as Outlook or Thunderbird, providing you with access to the TUM’s address-book as well as an opportunity to share a calendar with your fellow students.

We offer many other services or information concerning the VPN client, IT security, scanning and printing, etc. under www.it.tum.de/studierende.

Any questions? If so, feel free to contact our IT-Support: it-supportspam prevention@tum.de.

Technical University of Munich

Corporate Communications Center

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