Interactive Campus-Tour:
(Re-)Discover your campus

Explore the campus on your own
Whether you’re a fresher, a tutor or a lecturer – anyone can use the App to (re-)discover the campus! The tours across Main Campus Munich (45 minutes), Campus Garching (90 minutes) and Campus Freising-Weihenstephan (60 minutes) are designed as paper chases.
You will be shown unusual paths across the campus, including lots of information concerning the faculties as well as each site’s curiosities. Do you know why there is a bird-graffiti on the central lecture hall at WZW?
How does it work?
Simply go to the App-Store (Apple/Android) and download the App “Actionbound” to your smart phone or tablet PC, free of charge. You can find the tour of your choice via “Bound finden” or scan the QR code on the website.
Maybe you’ll want to download the App and the tour when you have access to a Wi-Fi spot, then you don’t even need to be connected to the Internet during the tour.
You can start immediately or any time you like!
All tours are available in German and English and in a barrier-free version. You don’t have to register or reconfirm anything.
More information and QR codes:
ExploreTUM Schnittstelle Schule-Hochschule
Studenten Service Zentrum
Phone: (089) 289-22694
Email: exploretum