• 10/24/2016

Olympic sailor 2016:

21 questions to Ferdinand Gerz

This questionnaire-game is still as worthwile as it was in the days of Marcel Proust. Here, we have answers by the enthusiastic sailor Ferdinand Gerz, who took part in the Olympic Games in London and Rio, and who is currently focusing on his studies at the TUM School of Management.

A student of the TUM School of Management: Ferdinand Gerz took part in Olympic Games in Rio (rowing, 470 class). (Photo: private)
A student of the TUM School of Management: Ferdinand Gerz took part in Olympic Games in Rio (rowing, 470 class). (Photo: private)

At the Olympic Games in Rio, the 27-year-old helmsman and his sailing partner Oliver Szymanski reached rank eleven in the 470 class. In 2015, the two of them had sensationally scored gold at the European Championships at Aarhus, Denmark. Now, Ferdinand Gerz is at TUM, focusing on his academic future – but he won’t give up sailing: “I would also be happy to share my knowledge with the younger generation!”.

Where would you like to live?
In Munich! Dahoam ist dahoam!

Your idea of happiness?
To be able to look back on a fullfilled life.

What kind of mistakes can you forgive?
The ones that are made for the first time.

In your opinion, what is the biggest disaster?
Hunger in the world.

Your favorite artist?
Gerhard Richter and Mark Rothko.

Your favorite composer?
Ludovico Einaudi.

Your favorite writer?
Ildefonso Falcones.

Your favorite virtue?

Your favorite pastime?
Reading the newspaper.

Your favorite exhibit in the “Deutsches Museum”?

I’m sorry, but I haven’t been there for years – so it’s about time…!

Your chief characteristic?

What do you like most about your friends?

Your main fault?

What is your idea of happiness?
I am happy!

Your heroes in science?
Alexander Fleming.

Your heroes in history?
Muhammad Ali.

What do you hate the most?
Plastic waste in the sea.

Which reform do you admire the most?


What natural gift would you like to possess?
Openness towards other people.

Who would you like to be?
Someone who is able to make the world a bit better.

Your motto?

“Alles easy!”

(Source: TUMcampus 04/2016, Page 66)

Technical University of Munich

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