Prof. Volker Sieber to head TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability
New campus has its first rector

Prof. Volker Sieber (46) joined the Science Center Straubing in 2008. Along with his research chair, he heads the branch in Straubing of the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB), which he has developed since its inception in 2009. His research interests relate to the development of processes that use chemicals, enzymes and microbes for the efficient manufacturing of new and existing products using biogenic resources – a field that will play a pivotal role in the future of chemical biotechnology.
At the same time, the team of the campus gives thank to Prof. Klaus Menrad, who served as director of the Science Center Straubing until the transition. He arrived at the center as one of the first professors in 2003, along with its founding director Prof. Martin Faulstich. Since then he has fostered its development with dedication and foresight. In recognition of that contribution, TUM President Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann will award him the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of TUM.
In their research and teaching, scientists at TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability focus on innovative methods of industrial biotechnology for the sustainable manufacturing of new products with biogenic resources. To that end, microbiology, biochemistry and bioinformatics work hand in hand to exploit the potential of renewable resources and develop new materials and catalysts. This includes the use of alternative production processes, applying methods of process engineering and chemical technology. The Bio Economy explores marketing of these innovations. In both research and teaching, the principle of sustainability is being payed attention to especially.
Technical University of Munich
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