• 10/21/2019

Not to be missed

Live pitch, textbook sales, learning and exam coaching

A study exchange outside the EU: TUMexchange offers you the possibility to visit selected universities in 26 countries outside the EU.

Man carrying books
As much as you can carry: great bargains at the TUM textbook sales. (Photo: kegfire/Fotolia)

You can apply online – currently for stays in the winter semester of 2020/21 or the summer semester of 2021. The application portal will be open from October 21 at 10 am until November 4, 2019, at 10 am. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to submit any documents after the deadline. More information:  TUMexchange

Panel discussion with Konstantin Wecker

"Do it or leave it?" The panel discussion "Machen oder lassen? Träume und Traumata der Machbarkeit in der modernen Medizin" will take place in lecture hall A of the Klinikum rechts der Isar on October 22, 2019, starting at 6 pm. It belongs to the series "Humanity in Medicine". One of the podium guests, in addition to physicians of the hospital, will be singer-songwriter, composer, and author Konstantin Wecker. Admission is free. More information:  talk.klinikseelsorge-tum.de

Enigame: a two-day puzzle challenge

A challenge for avid code-breakers: the puzzle challenge enigame requires logical and unconventional thinking as well as team spirit. The aim is to cooperate with others in order to solve a series of puzzles – based on audio, images, text, or cryptographics – that are scattered across the research campus. The game will take place on October 25 and 26, 2019, at the TUM Research Campus Garching, Boltzmannstraße 3. The challenge starts at 4 pm, in Lecture Hall 1 of the building of Mathematics and Computer Science. It is organized by members of the Faculty of Mathematics. More information:  TUM enigame

Textbooks for little money

Bargain hunters beware! There will be two textbook sales in November. From November 4 to 7 (from 9 am to 3 pm), you can purchase specialist literature from the most diverse areas at bargain prices in the Branch Library Chemistry – and the textbook sale at the Branch Library Main Campus will offer books at reasonable prices from November 26 to 28 (from 10 am to 3 pm).

Family Service: Help for young parents

Studying with a child means challenges. The TUM Family Service would like to support you. Forthcoming offers are the Family Café on November 6, 2019, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in the KITA Herzerl, Lazarettstr. 62; the workshop "Stress management especially for students with children" on November 8, 2019 (from 10 am to 12:30 pm) at the Hochschule München on Lothstraße; and the TUM holiday care service over the autumn holidays (for 6-12 year olds). More information:  Studying at TUM with a family

Contact Forum of the TUM General Student Advising

Are you in doubt about your studies at TUM? Are you threatened with exmatriculation or have you been exmatriculated? On November 13, 2019, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of various counseling offers. Possible topics are: reorientation and reflections on a change of course of studies, opportunities for learning and exam coaching, aspects of social security law when dropping out or a course of studies, and opportunities in the training market. When and where? November 13, 2019 (from 10 am to 1 pm) in the TUM Matriculation Hall on Main Campus, Arcisstr. 21. Contact: nicola.theuringspam prevention@tum.de, phone: (089) 289-22661

How is digitalization changing us?

Christina Strobel (Master TUM-BWL 2015) is currently working on her doctoral thesis on Artificial Intelligence at the International Max Planck Research School – Uncertainty. In her keynote speech "Do automation and digitalization change us?" she outlines how computers and other machines shape our everyday lives, and addresses the challenges we face due to human-machine interaction. This will be followed by opportunities for exchange of experience and for networking. Lecture in English in the series "Women of TUM Afterwork" on November 13, 2019 (from 7 pm to 10 pm). Location: t.b.a. More information:  Women of TUM Afterwork Digitalization

Subsidy for a stay in France

Students of Bavarian universities who are planning a study visit or research internship in France can apply for a grant from the "BayFrance" center: 500 EUR (once) plus a location-dependent travel allowance up to a maximum of 450 EUR. The offer is not applicable to company internships. All students of Bavarian universities are eligible to apply. Application deadline is November 15, 2019. More information:  BayFrance

Live pitch at the IdeAward 2019

This year, a total number of 112 business ideas were submitted to the IdeAward – over twice as many as in the previous year. The winners will be announced on November 21, 2019. The 10 best teams will "pitch" their ideas live in the foyer of the Audimax, competing for the top three ranks and a prize money of 37,500 EUR in total. The keynote speaker is Hanno Renner, CEO of the TUM startup Personio. November 21, 2019, from 5 pm to 10 pm at the TUM Foyer of the Audimax, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München. Admission is free, registration is requested. The event will be held in English. More information:  www.tum.de/ideaward

Keynote speech on breast cancer prevention

Jacqueline Lammert, who holds doctoral degree from the TUM Graduate School, conducts research on breast cancer. Her keynote speech "Preventing Breast Cancer – when the odds are not in your favor" will kick off the Women of TUM Afterwork Evening on December 5, 2019. So far, the only preventative measure for BRCA1 mutation carriers is the prophylactic removal of both breasts. Jacqueline Lammert gives insights into her research, which shows that the genetic risk of breast cancer is also influenced by lifestyle. Lecture in English in the series "Women of TUM Afterwork" on December 5, 2019, from 7 pm to 10 pm; location: t.b.a. More information:  Women of TUM Afterwork Breast Cancer

Opening of the Mensa Arcisstraße

After a construction period of more than two years, the refurbishment of the Mensa Arcisstraße has now been completed – with ambience and a variety of offers in all dining areas. A new feature is the tailored self-service and payment concept. The guests can assemble their meals in the Free-Flow area, and pay by weight at the self-service checkouts. The tableware communicates directly with the cash register via a barcode on the underside. More information:  Studentenwerk München Food and Drinks

Scholarship programs for abroad

Are you planning to go abroad during your studies and are looking for a suitable scholarship? The International Center offers a variety of programs that allow study visits and internships within Europe or all over the world. Funding opportunities for study semesters, internships, or research work abroad can be found at: Scholarship options for stays abroad

New in the TUMshop: T-shirt in four colors

From now on, TUMshop offers the new T-shirt for men and women with a large TUM logo on the chest. It is available in two designs and four colors: blue, dark blue, white, and black. A shirt costs 15.90 EUR. The new TUM T-Shirt collection is made of 100% organic cotton, Ökotex 100 certified materials, and is "Made in Europe" – available in the TUMshop on Main Campus or in the online shop: www.shop.tum.de.

Free online courses

530 free online courses – that's what we have to offer with the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) in the Winter Semester 2019/20, allowing you to complement your attendance studies with courses you can take at any time and from any place. Subject groups are Humanities and Cultural Studies, Health Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, Teaching, Medicine, Science, Law, Key Qualifications, Social Work, Social Sciences, Languages, Business Informatics, and Economics. Please send any questions or suggestions to registrierungspam prevention@vhb.org. More information:  www.vhb.org


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