Open House Campus Garching October 3

Discover and try things out: We invite you to experience research up close for a whole day.

Aerial view of the Garching research campus in 2021.

Come to the Garching research campus and experience science in lectures, hands-on activities, guided tours and much more. Whether young or old, there are numerous activities for every one on this day: students, staff and external guests. In addition to TUM, many other research institutions such as the Max Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes will be taking part in the day of action.

Save the date

Address and directions

  • Underground: Garching-Forschungszentrum
  • Bus: Ludwig-Prandtl-Str.; Boltzmannstr.; Garching-Forschungszentrum; Technische Universität; MVV timetable information
  • Car: A9, exit Garching-Nord

Program highlights

  • Extensive lecture program from various institutions, including the TUM School of Natural Sciences and the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology.
  • Science Slam: Discover. Verify. Slam. Come to the Science Slam and be inspired!
  • Music program: including the TUM Dixieland Combo (Mechanical Engineering corridor), Campus Choir Garching (Mathematics and Computer Science corridor and Mechanical Engineering corridor)
  • Take a guided tour of the facilities, including the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source (FRM II) and the ZEITlab.

Program overview (in German)

Participating institutes

Around 25 research institutions are taking part in the open house. Here you can see a selection of our university’s participating institutes. Please check the respective institute websites to find out whether registration is necessary for individual program items.


Do you have questions? Contact our organisation team:

Further information

You can get an overview of the campus and the action day program on the Garching research campus website (in Geman).

"Open Day" lettering with graphic elements on a dark blue background

Germany-wide action day on October 3

Open House with the Mouse 2024

We are also taking part in the nationwide "Doors open with the Mouse" campaign day: some of our open house programs take place as part of the Mouse Door Opener Day. But don't worry if these dates are already fully booked: There's a lot more to discover for young researchers on the Garching campus on October 3 – no registration required.

More on the WDR action day and registration

To bridge the waiting time: further events on the topic of research

10 Oct 2024

Lecture series in the planetarium at the Garching research campus

ESO Supernova: Kosmisches Kino

  • Thursday, 10/10/2024
  • 19:00

Event location
Campus Garching

Public event

Eva Sextl

When we look at the sky with modern telescopes, we are struck by the vast number of stars and galaxies. Astronomers and cosmologists study the distribution of these objects to learn more about our Universe. However, the vast majority of the Universe consists of dark and almost empty regions. What can they tell us about the Universe? Starting with the Big Bang, our Universe has has been expanding steadily. Under the influence of gravity, the first stars and galaxies formed, which assembled to even larger structures over the course of time. In combination with the expansion of the Universe, this created a web-like structure of matter. What are the largest structures in this cosmic web? Computer simulations help to better understand the development of the dark and empty parts of the Universe. State-of-the-art measurements require precise models and new findings on the empty regions can help in improving these models. What properties make these regions so special for modern research? And what can we learn about our Universe from these voids?

In this Kosmisches Kino, Eva Sextl from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU) takes you on a journey to the stars in distant galaxies. Although these are inaccessible to humanity, modern telescopes and new analysis methods allow us to uncover many well-kept secrets of our neighbouring galaxies.

This event will be in German.

Book your ticket now

The Kosmisches Kino takes visitors to the planetarium into the breathtaking depths of space. Researchers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence will accompany you on your journey through the cosmos with selected excerpts from planetarium films and an accompanying lecture.

Further Events