Prize for Excellence in Teaching

With the “Prize for Excellence in Teaching”, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK) annually honors the work of the best Bavarian university instructors. It aims to create a special incentive for universities to increase their commitment to teaching and to help ensure that teaching is placed on an equal footing with research tasks. The “Prize for Excellence in Teaching” is endowed with 5,000 euros.

Selection Process

Each year, TUM proposes one lecturer from among the academic staff and professors. For this purpose, the schools are invited to develop proposals together with the students. A central jury chaired by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs invites the nominees to a selection interview.

TUM follows a rotation system that calls for proposals from different schools each year. Applications are invited directly. The schools are requested to submit their proposals to the TUM Center for Study and Teaching – Communications by September 15. The jury, chaired by the responsible vice president, will nominate two persons for the “Prize for Excellence in Teaching” from among the proposed candidates. The jury will invite all nominees to a personal interview in October and ask them about their teaching commitment.

Prize for Excellence in Teaching 2023 – TUM's Awardees

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Klingenspor (TUM School of Life Science, Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine) consistently develops interactive and varied teaching concepts that promote skills acquisition beyond a subject-specific dimension. For example, in the Integrative Nutritional Science module, students work on specific topics in project groups and then present their results for discussion at a student symposium. Professor Klingenspor also plays a key role in promoting structural development and quality assurance at the TUM School of Life Sciences beyond his courses.

Lea Köglmeier, M. Sc. (TUM School of Engineering and Design, Chair of Computational Mechanics) enables students from various academic backgrounds to engage in a highly flexible, needs-oriented learning process. In her central exercise module on the fundamentals and models of biomechanics, she combines a variety of approaches, interactive elements, and optimal availability with a clear organization and comprehensible structures. Thus, she ensures ideal conditions for the learning success of her students.

Awardees of Previous Years

Contact Teaching Awards

Coordination Teaching Awards

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Anne Hüttenrauch
Tel.: +49 89 289 22817

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
Tel.: +49 89 289 25364
Fax: +49 89 289 25209