Teaching Awards of the Schools

Excellence in teaching is also recognized by TUM's schools, which annually award their own teaching awards to lecturers who have demonstrated a special commitment to teaching.



Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering

  • The T3 Top Teaching Trophy is awarded annually by the Student Council to MEP lecturers.

TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

Former Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • The Lecturer Award is presented by the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science student council to young scientists and professors.

Former Department of Informatics

  • The TeachInfAward is presented by the student council professors.

Former Department of Mathematics

  • The Golden Circle is awarded annually by the Mathematics Student Council to lecturers in mathematics in three categories: “Best Basic Lecture”; “Best Advanced Lecture” and “Best Practice”.

TUM School of Engineering and Design

Deparment of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • The Doce et Delecta and GeodäTUM teaching awards are presented annually by the student council to young scholars and professors of the former department.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • The Goldene Lehre teaching award is presented annually by the student council to professors and instructors.

TUM School of Life Sciences

  • The Prize for Good Teaching is awarded by the student council and the degree program division to young scholars and professors.

TUM School of Management

TUM School of Medicine and Health

Former TUM School of Medicine

  • The teaching award Lecturer of the Year is awarded by the school each year for the best lecture and for the best seminar.
  • The Young Teaching Prize is awarded by the school each year in the eight teaching areas to a lecturer who is still in his or her first residency training.
  • Within the framework of the Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award, the school presents the Teaching Innovation Award to one of the applicants.

Former TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences

TUM School of Natural Sciences

Former Department of Physics

  • The Golden Chalk is awarded annually by the physics student council to physics lecturers in six different categories.
Contact Teaching Awards

Coordination Teaching Awards

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Anne Hüttenrauch
Tel.: +49 89 289 22817
anne.huettenrauchspam prevention@tum.de​​​​​​​

ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
Tel.: +49 89 289 25364
Fax: +49 89 289 25209
fleischmannspam prevention@prolehre.tum.de