Teaching and Quality Management

Combining excellent research with excellent teaching – that is the aspiration of TUM. Teaching at our university is carried out according to the highest didactic and technical standards, oriented towards learning objectives and competency.

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Awards and Competitions

At TUM, there are a variety of forums and competitions for innovative teaching formats, outstanding didactic concepts and the exchange on the latest developments.

Dialogue on Teaching

At TUM, there are a number of regular events on the culture of teaching and learning that provide impetus for lecturing and space for discussion and exchange.

Quality Management

The goal of quality management is to design, establish and further develop attractive, challenging and internationally competitive degree programs.

Training for Teaching

Whether didactics, e-learning or evaluation – TUM offers a wide range of consulting and training services on all topics related to studying and teaching.

Internationalization Language Services

The Internationalization Language Services coordinates translations into English as well as (copy) editing, and provides the dict.tum terminology database.

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Quality Management

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80333 München


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Handouts, guides, and templates: documents on teaching and QM.


News: Teaching and Learning

  • 2/3/2022
  • Reading time 1 min.

New center investigates and develops responsible AI innovations

Center for Responsible AI Technologies founded

By today’s signing of their cooperation agreement, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Augsburg (UNIA) and the Munich School of Philosophy (HFPH) have laid the foundation stone for the joint “Center for Responsible AI Technologies”, which will bring philosophical, ethical and social science issues into the development of AI technologies in an integrated approach to research.

Andreas Heddergott / TUM
Cooperation founded (from left to right): Munich School of Philosophy President Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, University of Augsburg President Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, Technical University of Munich Vicepresident Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kramer

Supported by three newly created professorships at UNIA, TUM and HFPH and financed by “Hightech Agenda Bayern”, the new cross-location center will make a valuable contribution to socially responsible and trustworthy AI innovations.

Initial focus in the field of “medicine, care, health”

With the “Center for Responsible AI Technologies”, the participating universities are significantly expanding their existing interdisciplinary cooperation between natural sciences and technology, human and social sciences and philosophy. The pilot project will be launched in the first quarter of 2022. The work of the center will therefore initially focus on the field of application “medicine, care, health”. This research project will identify comparative central philosophical and ethical questions on the basis of use cases for the application of AI in laser therapy for basal cell carcinomas, in endoscopy and in radiology.

In the medium term, further fields of application are to be added in the areas “future of work”, “mobility” and “climate, environment”. In addition, there are plans to expand the cooperation to include the training of students and the area of scientific communication on the subject of AI. The center is embedded in an environment of several existing professorships at the three partner universities.

Three new professorships will be created as part of the “Hightech Agenda Bayern”

A professorship for “Theory of Science, Philosophy of Nature and Technology with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence” at the HFPH is dedicated to the philosophical foundations of the relationship between humans and machines. Closely linked to this is the professorship “Ethics of AI in Neuroscience” at TUM, which investigates AI topics from a social science and medical perspective. At the University of Augsburg, the appointment procedure for the professorship “Cyber Security and Safety-Critical Systems” is already underway.

The time is ripe for a “Center for Responsible AI Technologies”

“Throughout the entire innovation process, we must develop technologies by incorporating social science expertise in such a way that they are later also socially acceptable and trustworthy,” says Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann, President of the Technical University of Munich.

“With the center, we want to integrate philosophy, ethics and social sciences into AI development right from the start. Philosophy and social sciences must not be operated as a repair shop after the fact. Rather, they must work together with the technical sciences in a targeted manner in order to promote socially responsible innovations and thus also increase social acceptance of AI,” emphasises the President of the HFPH, Prof. Dr. Dr Johannes Wallacher.

Further developing artificial intelligence and allowing trust to grow
“With our experienced experts in medicine, information technology and moral theology/ethics, we have the unique opportunity to further develop artificial intelligence, explain it and allow trust to grow. In the “Center for Responsible AI Technologies” we contribute to cyber security and the protection of infrastructure essential to security. Only in this way can AI develop its full innovative power for all areas of society,” says Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, President of the University of Augsburg.


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Technical University of Munich

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