• 4/26/2015

A new course at the University Library:

Cite it right

Are you currently writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis or your doctoral thesis and are not sure about what and how to cite? The University now offers the course "Cite it right" – taught in German.

Quoted from where? The course "Zitieren statt Plagiieren" will help you to cite it right. (Image: robert - Fotolia.com)
Quoted from where? The course "Zitieren statt Plagiieren" will help you to cite it right. (Image: robert - Fotolia.com)

The first part of the course covers the basics of proper citing. Then, the second part will be determined according to your individual questions and requests. Possible topics include references to figures, tables or charts as well as student work, DIN standards and much more. Dates and registration Cite it right


The University Library also offers a counselling-hour for individual questions about quoting and reference management – on Fridays, 2 pm to 3 pm: Barer Strasse 21, Room S2525. Registration is not required, just come by!

Consultation online

If you are not able to come by, you can also ask the University Library’s citation experts for help via a video conference. To arrange an individual appointment, please contact us and suggest a preferred date: literaturverwaltungspam prevention@ub.tum.de

Technical University of Munich

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