Start your semester right
The Library Powerday

In four modular courses, the Library Powerday will boost your research skills and information literacy. You will learn useful tips and tricks that you won’t miss. Gain new insights or optimise your methods. The courses are open to all students and doctoral candidates at TUM.
The course modules:
- Basics for finding literature in the webinar “Literature Research 1”
- Efficient search strategies in the webinar “Literature Research 2”
- Citing rules in the webinar “Cite it Right”
- Managing literature in the webinar “Reference Management with Citavi”
13 October 2021 (Webinars in German)
14 October 2021 (Webinars in English)
- Choose your Powerday program according to your needs and participate in all or single webinars: Registration TUM University Library Powerday
- Dates not convenient for you? All Powerday webinars are also available in the regular training program of the TUM University Library with further dates throughout the semester.
Contacts to this article:
TUM University Library
First Level Hotline
Phone +49 89 189 659 220
WhatsApp +49 173 861 8412