Award-winning proposals for barrier-free education, mobility and exam preparation
Overcoming hurdles: the winners of the Academicus Ideas Competition

Making everyday life easier for TUM members – that's what the three winning entries in the 2022 Academicus Ideas Competition are all about. They won over the jury because they develop very concrete approaches for improvements on campus that directly benefit students and employees.
A bicycle self-help repair shop for students
Removing obstacles to sustainable mobility is one of the major tasks facing society and our university. Together with her fellow students from the Environmental Department of TUM's Student Council, Natalie Huhn with her project “ReparadTUM” wants to increase the bicycle use on campus an beyond: By setting up a bicycle self-help repair shop, students and employees are to be given the opportunity to maintain and repair their bicycles in an uncomplicated and inexpensive manner. The project is to be implemented at the Garching campus together with the TUM Sustainability Office.
Collaborative preparation for math exams
Nina Schwanke also received an award on behalf of an entire team. Together with Levin Kiefer, she developed the concept for the “Mathenacht” or “Math Night”. With the help of numerous tutors, the student council for of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry, and the Hurwitz Society, the second Math Night was held a few days ago. Supported by their fellow students, students work on exercises for the upcoming math exams of their respective degree programs in rooms of the university. After all, mathematics can be a hurdle for many students in STEM subjects – and together it is easier to overcome.
Support at the start of studies for students with special needs
Starting university can be a particular challenge for students with special needs. They encounter abstract and very concrete hurdles, be it in finding their way around campus, in organizing and financing their studies, or in networking and leisure activities. Friederike Schubert wants to support them with her "BereicherTUM" proposal, for example through a buddy program for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses: “I want everyone to be able to study under equal conditions. That's why I want to break down barriers for students with impairments!”
TUM Future Learning Initiative 2023
In 2023, the Academicus Ideas Competition will take a break, because this year the TUM Future Learning Initiative will take place for the second time. All TUM students can present their ideas for the further improvement of studying and teaching at TUM. A top-class jury will review all proposals and the finalists will present their concepts to the TUM family in professionally produced video pitches. The winners will then be selected in a university-wide voting process.
Submissions are possible from March 1, 2023 at
Technical University of Munich
- Konstantin Götschel
- goetschel