Certificate Program "Brewer Cursus Weihenstephan”
Learning to brew: course for professionals

From raw material science to the technology of malting and beer preparation as well as quality control to the bottled product - the "Brewer Cursus Weihenstephan - Introduction to the Science and Technology of Brewing" deals with all steps of the brewing and malting process. It aims to offer people who want to deal scientifically with the subject of brewing an opportunity to gain further training in a structured manner as part of a twelve-week course. The experienced lecturers combine traditional craft with state-of-the-art technology and the latest scientific findings with practical experience.
"For me, brewing and malting beer is a passionate craft, a scientific discipline, but also a kind of art. Our craft is very creative, which is currently reflected in the ongoing craft beer movement. It is precisely these aspects that we want to convey in the 'Brewer Cursus Weihenstephan'," explains Dr.-Ing. Martina Gastl, head of the Raw Materials Oriented Brewing and Beverage Technology AG in Freising-Weihenstephan, who played a leading role in developing the certificate program. "A successful combination of science and practice is always particularly important to us. We want to impart knowledge, but also enable the participants to apply it. So that they can later be proud of perhaps their first beer brewed in-house - or also tackle professional challenges in brewing with greater strength."
"The goal of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning is to provide the best possible support for interested individuals and professionals at all career stages in their ongoing development. We are particularly pleased to be able to broaden our growing portfolio of continuing education programs thematically with the 'Brewer Cursus Weihenstephan'," says Bernhard Kraus, Managing Director of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning. "This program combines state-of-the-art methods and technologies with a long tradition of TUM and the history of the art of brewing in Bavaria. We want to play a part in developing this tradition further."
"Brewer Cursus Weihenstephan" follows centuries of tradition
In fact, a long history forms the background for the certificate: For more than 150 years, TUM has been offering courses, trainings and seminars in the Department of Brewing and Beverage Technology in Weihenstephan, the "cradle of the art of brewing". In 1865, Dr. Carl Lintner founded the first "Brewer Cursus" with students from Germany and abroad, and the name of the current course now takes its cue from this.
Even though the course content naturally focuses much more on technical aspects, the traditional Bavarian art of brewing remains at the heart of the advanced training courses at the chair. With its own research brewery, extensive laboratory infrastructure, and close cooperation with the State Brewery Weihenstephan, the Institute today offers ideal conditions for combining tradition and modern brewing, which participants experience in excursions and practical blocks, among other things.
Certificate program starts for the first time in September 2021
The German-language certificate program is aimed at people who work in upstream and downstream areas of brewing, such as in production, sales or marketing, as well as hobby brewers who want to expand their knowledge in a scientifically manner.
The part-time program starts in September 2021 and takes place online as well as on site at the TUM Campus Weihenstephan. Upon successful completion, participants will receive an official TUM certificate. The current Corona regulations apply to all courses on site.
Further information on the certificate program and the application process is available on the website of the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning: https://www.lll.tum.de/certificate/brauer-cursus/
The TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning supports international experts and leaders from science, business and society in successfully meeting the challenges of the 21st century through science-based and technology-supported professional and leadership development. The Institute offers innovative continuing education programs, which convey the latest research findings from the technical and natural sciences in a practice-oriented manner. The Technical University of Munich opened the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning in January 2021 to solidify TUM’s place as a center for lifelong learning.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Bavaria under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder. www.exzellenz.tum.de/en
Technical University of Munich
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Contacts to this article:
Elisabeth Heiß
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Marketing & Communications Manager
Tel. +49 89 289-26710
elisabeth.heiss @tum.de