Father of informatics in Germany
TUM commemorates Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer

Prof. Bauer coined the term “software engineering” – now in common use worldwide – back in 1968. He advocated an understanding of informatics and, in particular, the task of software development as a branch of engineering, with its own scientific foundations and an engineering-based approach. In this way, he pointed the way forward to the modern world of informatics.
Informatics pioneer
At the unveiling ceremony, TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann praised Friedrich L. Bauer as a trailblazer of our modern world of computing: “Prof. Bauer spotted the trend at an early stage and anticipated the importance of software and computers. Instead of simply accepting the traditional structures, he bravely forged ahead. This pioneering spirit remains a basic prerequisite for true progress and innovations today. He is an enduring role model who makes us truly proud!”
Hans-Joachim Bungartz, the Dean of the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology and professor for Scientific Computing, said: “It would be hard to overestimate Friedrich L. Bauer’s role in turning informatics into a discipline in its own right. Along with his fundamental scientific contributions, he acted as a visionary, initiating and advancing processes without which today’s digital world would be inconceivable. We owe him a great deal.”
Manfred Broy, Professor of Software & Systems Engineering, says: “Friedrich L. Bauer is the epitome of a professor with wide-ranging scientific interests who makes fundamental contributions to countless subfields, actively shapes his discipline at the international level, and plays a leading role in teaching through his trailblazing introductory textbooks. Along with his impressive work in shaping his field, he was remarkable for his deep understanding and love of his discipline and, in particular, for historical topics.”
Prof. Bauer received many honors for his scientific achievements, including the Order of Merit, First Class, of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Konrad Zuse Medal and honorary doctorates from several universities.
Technical University of Munich
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