Information for students and staff
Operations under restrictions since 18 March 2020

During restricted operations at the Technical University of Munich, the following regulations will apply:
- As of 6 pm on 18 March 2020, all TUM buildings on all campuses are accessible only to persons working in system-critical areas. These are persons who maintain the essential operations of the university, including essential administrative staff, staff involved in keeping animals and in animal research facilities, and support staff for long-term scientific experiments and technical infrastructure, such as the storage of chemicals and gases.
- To maintain basic operations in the various units, tandem teams are established, where possible. They will alternately implement the most urgent measures in a coordinated effort.
- All employees who do not work in system-critical areas will work from home during the designated period of restricted operations. They are to be reachable to their immediate superiors and their colleagues.
- Operating hours (e.g. for advising services and departmental administrative offices) will be maintained. They are accessible by email or, with prior arrangement, by telephone.
The above regulations do not apply to TUM units associated with the University Hospital rechts der Isar and staff assigned to emergency on-call duty (e.g. the university fire department, etc.). For the Neutron Source FRM II, these regulations only apply in conjunction with the operating manual.
Notwithstanding these regulations, the state government has issued a general ban on entry to the university for persons who have travelled to one of the risk areas as classified by the Robert Koch Institute RKI within the last 14 days.
- As previously announced, no teaching activities of any kind nor any examinations are taking place at TUM (unless otherwise ordered by the State of Bavaria, e.g. in connection with state exams).
- Conferences, workshops and other events at TUM are prohibited. Meetings of small working groups are to be held only when absolutely necessary.
- The library, branch libraries, as well as StudiTUM facilities and all student work spaces (e.g. CIP-Pool) are closed. Further information is available at
- The canteens in Munich, Garching, Freising and other facilities of the Munich Student Union have also suspended operations.
TUM is aware that the current situation will pose challenges with regard to childcare and that working from home is not always compatible with parental duties. We hope, however, to alleviate some of the strain with these regulations.
We are sure that you will understand the need for these measures, which serve to protect you and the public in these extraordinary times. For now, please accept our best wishes for the health and wellbeing of you and your families. We look forward to seeing you all again, fit and well, in the very near future.
You will find current information and updates at