Research Enabling Change

Exploring the origins of the universe and the foundations of life, seeking solutions to the major challenges of our time – from students to Nobel Prize laureates, our university community creates inspiration, new knowledge and innovation.

Following our guiding principle of "Human-centered Engineering", we align the development of technical solutions towards the functionality for people, the values and needs of society, and the requirements of a sustainable future. Our innovation-supportive matrix structure of TUM Schools and mission-driven Integrative Research Institutes creates an operatively agile and scientifically inspiring environment for interdisciplinary collaboration across TUM and beyond.

A selection of key research areas

Image of the interior of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Artificial intelligence

From medicine to construction to robotics: we develop new methods and applications of artificial intelligence across disciplines.

More on AI

Quantum technologies

Whether basic technologies or applications - our researchers carry out excellent quantum research. We also train highly qualified young talent.

More on quanta
Auf der Abbildung sind mehrere verschiedenfarbige Akkus zu sehen.


Our task as a technical university is to find sustainable, cost-effective and practicable solutions for the future energy supply.

More on energy
People meet in a Munich street that has been greened with plant boxes


We are researching future-proof solutions in the field of urban mobility to make transportation safe, affordable and sustainable.

More on mobility

Excellent infrastructure for research

Rooftop view of the Technical University of Munich's city center campus on Arcisstraße.

University of Excellence

TUM has been one of Germany's Universities of Excellence since 2006 – we remain committed to this highest of quality standards.

TUM as a University of Excellence
Scientist works in a research lab of the Center for Translational Cancer Research at Technical University of Munich.

Careers in research

Be part of the research community as a PhD student, postdoc or professor.

Careers and Jobs
Reaction tubes labeled for an experiment stand in a rack in the laboratory of Prof. Jürgen Ruland's working group.

Services for researchers

We offer comprehensive support for researchers – for funding, continuing education and start-up consulting.

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Research goals

We explore the fundamentals of life and find solutions to major societal challenges. In doing so, we always put people at the center.

Our research goals

Schools and research centers

The foundation of our university is formed by seven Schools, which are linked at the interface of disciplines by integrative research institutes.

Our Schools and research institutes


At TUM, 698 professors research and teach. Get to know this international group of outstanding scientists.

Our professors

We develop innovative technologies not for the sake of it, but for people and nature.

President of Technical University of Munich

Experience research

We share our curiosity, knowledge and fascination with people from our university and beyond, and create new paths into the future.

150 Years of TUM – anniversary stories

Curiosity and an entrepreneurial spirit have been at the heart of TUM for more than 150 years. From the first viable refrigerator to robots capable of feeling to the sandwich molecule – researchers have made numerous inventions and discoveries during that period that still shape our lives today.

Read anniversary stories

"Faszination Forschung" research magazine

Read about the latest scientific findings and the people behind them in our research magazine.

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Current research news
