Refund of Semester Fees for Students of Campus Straubing

There are two different refund forms for Straubing Campus students. Which form is to be used depends on the date when you submit the application. Please read the following information carefully.

Refund before the start of the semester via TUM

These regulations are only valid if the refund request is received by Sept. 30 (for refund of the fee for winter semester) or by March 31 (for refund of the fee for summer semester).

  • If you renounce your place of study by Sept. 30/March 31.
  • If the de-registration took place by the last day of the previous semester.
  • Exemption due to severe disability.

Refund after the start of the semester via Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz

Students at the Straubing Campus can reclaim the semester fee after the start of the semester (Oct 1/Apr 1) by applying to the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz. Please read the statutes of the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz. Refunds are only possible under the stipulated conditions and if the deadlines  are met.

Reasons for a refund for students at the Straubing Campus can be: 

Severe disability
Parallel Studies
Admission to a course of study with restricted admission

Please send your application directly to the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz with valid bank details.

If your validated Student Card is not returned in time, a refund of the fees is not possible.

Please note

If you are still taking examinations that are assigned to the previous semester up to one week after the start of lectures in a new semester, you do not need to re-register for this. This also includes a test to be taken after the FPSO as the last examination.

An exception is the submission of your thesis – for this you have to be matriculated.

These regulations can be found in § 14 of the General Examination and Study Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Programs at the Technische Universität München.

How do I apply for a refund?

  • Return your student card either in person to the TUM service desk at the main campus or de-validate it in a validation machine. Alternatively, you can send the card to us by registered mail on the day of exmatriculation: TUM CST Beiträge und Stipendien, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München. Please note the above deadlines for the return of the StudentCard.
  • Before the beginning of the semester (up to 30.09./31.03.): Fill out the application for refund, which you can find in your TUMonline account under the menu item “Tuition Fees” and send it via e-mail to beitragsmanagement(at)

  • After the start of the semester (from 01.10./01.04.): Fill out the application form for refund of semester fees and send it by post to the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.

Contact Semester Fees Management

TUM Center for Study and Teaching
Fees and Scholarships

Office hours:

Thursday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Room 0198

Tel. +49 89 289 –28066