Sponsor young talents
The TUM Deutschlandstipendium is an award for talented and high-achieving students. It gives them room for personal development and social commitment. And as a sponsor, you come into contact with highly qualified students. Sponsor now!

Information brochure 2023/24 on 13 years of the Deutschlandstipendium at TUM
In our brochure you will find all the important information about the scholarship program, the events, interviews with scholarship holders and sponsors and much more.
What our sponsors say
Who, if not us? - Even when we were students, we experienced the big difference between “support” and “no support”. We are therefore delighted to be able to make a contribution to supporting the next generation. Especially if this is then multiplied very effectively.
private Sponsors
MAN is committed to education and training beyond its own borders as part of our social responsibility. With the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, we sustainably promote talent, build a bridge between science and business and thus create the basis for forward-looking ideas and developments.
Senior Vice President MAN Academy & Talents

Our Sponsors
Thanks to your support, TUM was able to award over 800 scholarships in the current year of funding. We are truly grateful for your generosity. We also thank all those who do not wish to be mentioned here.
We are particularly glad to see former scholarship recipients getting involved. “Sponsoring from one generation to the next” is our slogan for a campaign that has gone from strength to strength in recent years.
- Allianz Partners
- Allianz SE
- ALTANA Management Services GmbH
- Amazon Germany Services GmbH
- BayWa AG
- ChemDelta Bavaria
- Ed. Züblin AG
- ESRI Germany GmbH
- Freudenberg Chemical Specialities GmbH
- Grünecker Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
- Infineon Technologies AG
- Ingenieurbüro GRASSL GmbH
- IngPunkt Ingenieurgesellschaft für das Bauwesen
- Inverso GmbH
- itestra GmbH
- KUHNEN & WACKER Patent- und Rechtsanwaltsbüro PartG mbB
- Louis Schuler Fund
- Loyalty Partner GmbH
- MAN Truck & Bus SE
- MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG
- Novatec Consutling GmbH
- QAware GmbH
- QuantCo Germany GmbH
- RII Project Management GmbH
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Samsung Semiconductor Europe GmbH
- SimPlan AG
- STADA Arzneimittel AG
- Stadtsparkasse Munich
- Vector Informatik GmbH
- Wacker Chemie AG
- Westlake Vinnolit GmbH & Co.KG
- ZM-I Munich GmbH
- Adolf Feizlmayr-Stiftung & ILF Consulting Engineers GmbH
- Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung
- Anneliese Pfannenberg-Stiftung
- Basu Stiftungsfonds
- Bernhard Borst Stiftung
- Christian Bürkert Stiftung gGmbH
- Clariant Foundation
- DELO-HEROLD-Stiftung
- Dieter Schwarz Stiftung Heilbronn gGmbH
- Dobeneck-Technologie-Stiftung
- Dr. Gallus-Rehm-Stiftung
- Dr. Karl Wamsler Stiftung GmbH
- Dr. Rolf und Hildegard und Günter Scheunert Stiftung
- Evonik Stiftung
- fim Alumni e.V.
- Freunde der TUM e.V.
- Friedrich Deckel Gedächtnisstiftung (TUM Stiftungen für Bedürftige)
- Gustav Polensky-Stiftung
- Hans Hörmann Stiftung
- Hans-Rudolf-Stiftung
- Hochschulstadt Straubing e.V.
- Irene-Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Studenten
- Johannes Winklhofer Stiftung/ IWIS
- Karl Max von Bauernfeind-Verein e.V.
- Karoline Steinhart-Fonds der TU München
- Klaus Höchstetter Stiftung
- Leni Schwaiger Stiftung
- Leonhard Moll-Stiftung
- Maximilian Glässel-Stiftung
- Max Schönleutner Gesellschaft Weihenstephan e.V. (MSGW)
- Nicolaus-Fonds der TU München (TUM Stiftungen für Bedürftige)
- Peter Pribilla-Stiftung
- Rolf und Dr. Windemut Hennig-Stiftung
- Schober Müller Stiftung
- Silesia-Clemens Hanke-Stiftung
- Stefan Schörghuber Stiftung
- Stiftung Attenkofer
- Stiftung zur Förderung des Wartburg Symposiums on Flavour Chemistry & Biology
- TUM-BWL e.V.
- TUM Management Alumni e.V.
- TUM Universitätsstiftung
- TUM Universitätsstiftung - Marlies und Prithwis Basu-Stiftungsfonds
- TUM Universitätsstiftung – Roland und Uta Lacher-Fonds
- TUM Universitätsstiftung - Stiftungsfonds Familie Busch
- Turner & Townsend Stiftung
- TÜV SÜD Stiftung
- Verband Weihenstephaner Milchwirtschaftler, Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnologen e.V (WMBL)
- Weihenstephaner Jubiläumsstiftung 1905
- WiCAM Stiftung
- Wittmann'sche Stipendienstiftung
- Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert
- Dr. Sandra Bogdanovic
- Irene und Andreas Buchbender
- Dr. Farhad Farassat
- Susanne und Norbert Gaus
- Prof. Dr. -Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann
- Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann
- Bianca und Lukas Höffner
- Prof. Dr. Manuela Jahrmärker
- Dr. Hannemor Keidel
- Dr. Franz-Robert und Jasmin Klingan
- Daniel Krause
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
- Dr. Manfred Leder
- René Milzarek
- Prof. Dr. Peter Oertmann
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard und Gabriele Rieger
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ruland
- Michael Scharl
- Maximilian Schmerbeck
- Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Robert H. Schmucker
- Gertraud Sirtl
- Dr. Benno Schwarz
- Dr. Gernot Strube
- Dr. Marion und Prof. Dr. Kurosch Thuro
- Claus Winkler
- Dr. Karl Heinz Weiss
- Dr. Arts Shizuka Yang
- Testament Dr. Woller