Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal
The TUM awards the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal to individuals and groups who have rendered great service to the university through their exceptional dedication, innovative ideas and valuable suggestions.

The award is named after the founding director of the “Königlich Bayerische Polytechnische Schule zu München”, the precursor of today’s university, and it has been awarded since 1997.
The following individuals and groups have received the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal:
Head of TUM Appointment Staff
Dr. Anja Bräunig received the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal 2024 “in recognition of her outstanding, long-standing services to the development of the area of appointments, career advancement and dual careers as well as the successful management of the sharp increase in the number of appointment procedures in recent years, which has enabled TUM to attract many new, excellent scientists.”
Workshop foreman (precision mechanics) at the Chair of High Frequency Technology
Josef Franzisi received the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal 2024 “in honor of his 50th anniversary of service and his extraordinary commitment since his training at TUM.”
Managing Director TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Bernhard Kraus received the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal 2024 “in recognition of his outstanding achievements in establishing the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning and his commitment to expanding the area of Executive & Professional Education.”