In an emergency: What to do?

Ensuring personal safety is the number-one priority on all Technical University of Munich (TUM) campuses – especially in the event of an emergency or safety incident. We do all we can to avoid or mitigate any negative impacts.

Emergency numbers

  • Fire and ambulance services: 112
  • Poison control hotline: +49 89 19240
  • Police: 110

When you call one of these numbers, keep your answers brief and concise. Prepare to answer any questions the emergency staff may ask and always wait for the emergency coordination center to end the call.

Do not use the telephone afterwards for other calls in case the emergency staff wants to call you back.

Contact points

Guidance and support

Various offices and persons of trust offer guidance and support in different circumstances of your life or even crisis situations, from sexual harassment/sexualized violence to discrimination, mental and physical health and wellbeing, and academic misconduct. The Diversity & Equal Opportunities Office provides an overview.


Emergency organization in detail

Comprehensive information on all aspects of occupational health and safety at TUM can be found on the AGU-Hochschulen information system.

AGU-Hochschulen infosystem


Health, Safety, Radiation Protection (HR 6)
Walther-Meißner-Str. 1
D-85748 Garching
Tel. +49 89 289 14688
Fax +49 89 289 14689
All contacts